Guillaume Lartigue, Steve La Réclame's love of advertising is contagious

7th series of 12 portraits of entrepreneurs of the 2020s.

The 12-20 is a unique format of video interviews dedicated to the personalities who communicate today. 12-20 as a range of 12 portraits of the 2020s.

The opportunity to recognize during an interview the portrait of an entrepreneur to better understand what made him do it and how his career was built.

His successes as well as his failures, his advice and best practices, what makes him proud or what still wakes him up at night can all be found in the 12-20.

A format and a series designed and produced with 4 hands by Pascal Guibert (business coach) and Xuoan Duquesne, publisher and editor-in-chief of La Réclame respectively.

We invite you to this seventh episode Guillaume Lartigue, the co-founder and creative director of Steve. This great lover of advertising – in rare proportions these days! – looks back at the birth of his pop culture-oriented agency, his revelation as an entrepreneur, and what drives him today: his team. This energetic creative tells us behind the scenes of a budget win that allowed the agency to start and hire 20 people at once. He also reveals his mantra, borrowed from Walt Disney: “If you can dream it, you can do it”. What could be more obvious for an agency whose handwriting ” We trust in pop » ?

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