Google Bard. Google's AI tool

Google Bard.  Google’s AI tool

A few months ago, Google launched its artificial intelligence tool, called Google Bard, initially in English, but has already been opened to more than 40 languages, including Spanish. As you may know, it is a little behind ChatGPT and it seems that its early beginnings are not very successful, although, as they themselves say, Google is working to improve the effectiveness of this tool.

Google Bard is app-based LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications)which is nothing more than a series of neural language models focused on improving the ability of intelligences to maintain a fluid and natural conversation, developed by the guys at Google™ and trained on a huge data set of text and code, which can be updated with new information over time and can perform a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Summary of concrete topics. This software can provide topic summaries in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. This can be useful for students, researchers, or anyone who needs to learn about a new topic.
  • Creating creative content. Bard can create different creative text formats, such as poems, codes, scripts, music tracks, emails, letters, etc. This could help in the daily work of writers, artists, or anyone who needs to generate creative content.
  • Answers to questions. Using extensive data sources from the Internet, Bard can answer questions in a comprehensive, informative and up-to-date manner.

google bardo logo

How does Bard work?

To use it, you just need to go to their website: and authenticate with your Google account. Once there, you can run the query as well as the rest of the AI ​​tools. Bard then uses its knowledge of the language to generate a response which can be text, code, translation, or any other form of creative content.

What applications does Bard have?

Bard can be used in a wide range of applications including:

  • voice assistants. Bard can be used to create smarter and more capable voice assistants.
  • Customer care. This AI can also be useful in creating more efficient and effective customer service chatbots, providing answers to customer questions quickly and accurately.
  • Education. You’ll also be able to create customized learning tools that adapt to students’ individual needs.
  • Investigation. Help researchers analyze data and generate new ideas.

Google Bard features

On a functional level I have seen three which are not bad, in Bard you have the possibility to listen to the answer to the question we asked, simply by clicking on the speaker button at the top right.

Another difference I liked is that Google Bard also has a button at the top to see other versions and 3 different versions of the given answer are shown:

Google Bard versions

And another rather “cool” feature here is that you can export the answers provided by Google’s AI tool in three ways:

  • Share by creating a public link.
  • Export to documents (Google docs).
  • Directly export the response to a Gmail draft.

google bard export

Main differences between Google Bard and ChatGPT

Age limit

Regarding the age limit, Google’s tool specifies 18 years as the minimum age for its use, while ChatGPT does not provide this limitation.

Linguistic models

Google Bard is based on the PaLM 2 Large Language Model (LLM), while ChatGPT is based on the GPT-4 LLM. PaLM 2 is a machine learning model that has been trained on a massive text and code dataset, while GPT-4 is a machine learning model that has been trained on a text dataset.

Data access

One of the most important differences between the two tools is that while ChatGPT only has knowledge databases that last until September 2021, Bard can access information from the last few months when connected to the Internet. Maybe we’ll see later who will take the lead for this reason.


From the tests I’ve done, I know it’s true that Bard provides more recent information on more current topics, although ChatGPT provides, in my opinion, much more creative answers than Bard, especially in generating new ideas.


So you can see the difference a bit, Bard cites the source but ChatGPT has more problems with this:

The query carried out in the two tools concerns the Azores Islands:


The source of this text is a Wikipedia article on the Azores Islands. The article was written by a team of volunteer editors and is based on a variety of sources, including books, articles, websites and other types of content.


The information provided in my answer is based on general knowledge available as of my cut-off date of September 2021. I have not cited a specific source because my knowledge is derived from a wide range of public sources and texts available online, including reference books, websites reliable web and educational documents.

Of course this gives rise to responses like this query in ChatGPT, which is kind of funny and all:

See: “tell me about Google Bard” or “write an article about Google Bard”.

«As of my last update in September 2021, I have no information on a product or service called “Google Bard”. It may have been released after that date or it may be an internal Google project for which no detailed information has been made public.

To get updated information about “Google Bard”, I recommend you visit Google’s official website or search for recent news online. “Google is a company known for launching a variety of new products and services, so it’s possible that ‘Google Bard’ is one of their more recent projects that wasn’t available in my previous knowledge base.”


For now I will continue to use ChatGPT, but I will also check some answers on Google Bard, we will see which one will win the final battle for AI.

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