Émilie (MAPR6) is no longer a heart to take, the former candidate reveals he has found love again

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Since 2016, M6 fascinates the public with the show Married at First Sight. In this reality show, a group of experts has the delicate mission of training the couples who will meet on their wedding day. To do this, specialists rely the compatibility rate detected between the different participants. Sometimes magic happens. But it also happens that the marriages celebrated in the program do not last. So, in season six, Émilie experienced a particularly complicated breakup with Frédérick, the candidate she had married in the adventure. It seems that she has now started a new life with someone else. We will explain everything to you!

By participating in this show focused on meetings, the young woman soon achieved great fame. Since her passage on M6, She is active on social mediaand often exchanges with Internet users. Recall that Émilie had broken up with Frédérick following several inappropriate acts on her part. She also filed a complaint against him several times. She took some time to rebuild herself. She then took the opportunity to get a job and move into a new house with her daughter. However, her followers have already asked her several times if she could meet someone. So far the beauty has remained silent.

But this Wednesday, September 6th, decided to end the suspense speaking on Instagram.

“I wanted to answer a question that is very common, I see that it bothers you and I don’t want to keep the mystery any longer. It’s ‘Emilie, are you in a relationship, do you have someone in your heart’, etc…”

It’s official, the former candidate of Married at First Sight he has someone in his life again.

“I’m in a relationship, I’ve had some wonderful encounters, I’ve met some fantastic people, I also wanted to thank everyone sincerely; it’s true, I’m grateful and yes, I’m in a relationship with someone. »

And although the mother seems very satisfied with this new relationship, she prefers to remain rather discreet on the subject. In fact, Émilie believes media coverage could damage this budding romance.

“Confirming a relationship I had, it’s very difficult to have a healthy relationship online, well, it’s also a complicated relationship, I don’t know what it can give because it’s complicated because nothing is ever simple, I have the impression, but at the same time it’s also my fault. »

Émilie prefers her partner to remain anonymous

If she remains cautious, the beauty will describe this relationship in terms that suggest it is a great joy for her. Visibly, he didn’t expect to meet anyone again. Émilie didn’t expect such a crush.

“I think this relationship is magnificent, it fell into my lap; I won’t hide from you that if it hadn’t been for him I wouldn’t have returned as a couple, due to lack of time and perhaps because, I don’t know, sometimes in life you feel as good as a mother with your child. »

She then continued speaking, talking in more detail about her new lover and his personality. He believes they have a lot in common. In this new relationship, Émilie seems very satisfied and he also noticed that her mood was better.

“This story is unique, it’s a person with whom we are very similar, it’s incredible, with whom I can’t get angry at all with whom I want to be kind, and yet the situation, believe me, is really complicated to see yourself and then for other things it’s all . »

That said, he already has some experience with fame. So she learned some lessons. The young woman doesn’t want to impose anything on her partner. He also specifies that the latter has a connection with the world of the media.

“For the moment I’m protecting myself, I’m protecting myself (…) it can be very complicated, the person I chose is someone who knows the media, so I wanted to share with you anyway because you are my second family. »

Before talking too much about this love story, Émilie wants to see how it will evolve. In her story on Instagram she invites her subscribers to respect their privacy. In the future, if she posts photos of her relationship, no doubt she will take care to hide her lover’s face.

“I don’t want to show off at all costs, without really being sure, the day you see a photo of me and this person, without anyone necessarily seeing it, because he wants to preserve his identity and that’s respect. »

However, she explains that her new partner, like her, has already had the opportunity to do so some passages on the small screen.

“Yes, we made TV, but we are whole people, we have the right to our privacy. »

If he plays the discretion card, Émilie seems to swim in happiness. She finds all the qualities in her boyfriend.

“Overall it’s a very beautiful story, he’s a magnificent person and, in every sense of the word, he’s truly magnificent both inside, I assure you, and outside, he’s magnificent. »

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