Create a free QR Code with Unitag [tuto]

Create a free QR Code with Unitag [tuto]

THE QR codes they are definitely your best allies for optimize the links between your physical communication and your web pages. Any page on your website can then end up in your potential customer’s pocket… In this article, I’m going to explain why you shouldn’t ignore the QR codes and how to create them quickly thanks to the tool Unit.

What is a QR Code?

You’ll tell me that everyone knows QR Codes ! Well no, there are still a lot of people who don’t know it.

It is therefore not superfluous to explain that a QR Codes it’s a guy barcode that stores digital information (such as texts, URLs, etc.) that need to be deciphered using a smartphone or tablet.

The uses are manifold: the code can be generated and then printed on a support such as a business card, a flyer, a poster, a package. It thus allows you to connect, in an intelligent and fun way, the physical world to the virtual world, that of your website.

Why is the QR Code a technology of the future?

Little known ten years ago, the QR Codes it has gradually made its way into our daily lives: train tickets, concert tickets, restaurant menus, information available in museums… It is now indispensable or even indispensable in some cases (without a QR Code, without a health card for example).

So it’s not just a trend. There are also many reasons to believe that its use will be widespread:

The massive adoption of the smartphone by the French population

In 2021, 77% of French people with telephones own a smartphone. This is a long-term trend, because this percentage is only increasing from year to year. However, the widespread use of the smartphone contributes to the development of this technology. Without this smartphone it is in fact impossible to scan them anywhere and at any time of the day.

The issue of digital inclusion to which the QR Code must respond in order to become a fully democratic technology is therefore being resolved. Even the use of the smartphone requires adapting one’s communication to this medium, in particular by producing easily usable content.

Playful and diversified uses that strengthen ties with the community

One of the main challenges for companies today is being able to build a strong community around their brand.

THE QR codes allow playful interactions due to their principle of use. In terms of user experience, the QR Codes it’s a great invention. There is a treasure-hunting side that takes users back to their childhood and contributes to the enthusiasm for this technology.

Also, most smartphone owners always have it in their pocket. Scan the information via a QR code it is therefore very simple and the possibilities for a company to interact with its own community can be numerous.

A technology that fits perfectly into the Web3 philosophy

The future of the web should be more decentralized and more attentive to the protection of our data. In any case, this is what promises the transition from Web 2.0 dominated by GAFAMs to Web 3.0 embodied by decentralized platforms and applications.

In this context, the challenge is to reduce the actors who hold our personal data, especially during financial transactions. However, in this context, the The QR Code reduces the number of intermediaries between the payer and the recipient.

It is therefore increasingly appreciated by companies that take care of their communication on data protection.

PayPal has already embraced this technology, allowing its users to do so pay by QR code if they wish. This technology fits perfectly into the philosophy that is gradually taking hold in the digital world.

In short, the reasons integrate QR codes into your digital strategy they are numerous. We need a tutorial!

Create a QR Code for free with Unitag: the complete tutorial

Follow me, I show you step by step how to use it QR code generator tool

Create a Unitag account

Once connected to Unitag, you will need to create your account to use it:

  1. Enter your email address and choose your password;
  2. Paste the verification code received by email in the space provided for this purpose;
  3. Choose between the personal account and business account option (for the free version, a personal account is fine);
  4. Enter your first and last name and click Done.
create a unit account 1
create a Unitag account 2

Now you are identified, the creation of your first QR Code can begin.

Generate a QR Code with Unitag

Once your account is created, you will be redirected to the application home page. You will then logically have to click on the “QR Codes” section.

Access QR codes on Unitag

Access a dashboard where all your QR codes will be listed. Click on ” Create a QR code« .

Create a QR code

Insert the desired URL into the QR Code

This is the time to enter the information needed for the generation of your QR Code.

In the “Destination URL” section, simply enter the URL that must be contained in the QR Code you want to create. The generation of your QR Code therefore takes place in three steps:

  1. Click on “send” so that the QR Code contains the url;
  2. Press “save and publish” to generate the QR Code in your dashboard;
  3. Give your QR code a name then click ‘publish’.
Generate a QR code

Download the QR code

You can now download your QR code. If it is intended to be scanned from screen, choose the “optimized for web” option, otherwise the “optimized for print” option will make it easier to scan the QR Code on paper.

Download the created QR Code

Return to dashboard

To simply return to your dashboard, click on “QR Code Dashboard” (1) in the top left. You will then be able to access all the QR Codes already created and saved.

You can change the color of your QR Code or download it again. Above all, you will be able to access the consultation statistics of your QR Code (2).

QR Code Dashboard created

Follow the consultation statistics

If you have opted for a free Unitag account, you can see the summary of the clicks made on your QR Code in “Quick Analysis” (1). By choosing the paid option, you will have access to more in-depth consultation statistics (2) (geolocation, device, device model used, etc.).

Two more features are available through the paid option:

  • Sanitary checks : this function allows you to check that there are no anomalies when redirecting your url (response time too long, redirection failure, etc.)
  • Filters : allow you to customize redirects based on the user’s profile or behavior.
QR Code consultation statistics

Example of QR Code generated with Unitag

here is the QR Codes created during this tutorial.

Don’t hesitate to scan it to check its loading time via your smartphone.

standard snack content qr code

My opinion about Unitag

There’s not much to say about it easy to use tool and which has interesting additional features.

Even without having subscribed to a paid subscription, it is in fact possible to have access to the daily consultation statistics, which is very appreciable.

The paid option allows for a more precise analysis of user statistics, but you can always start there create a QR code for free then upgrade later to the paid version.

Unit it is therefore a great reference to know if you want to create your own QR codes.

Alternatives to Unitag

If this tool isn’t for you, keep in mind that there are many other tools like this…

QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator
QR Code Generator

Like Unitag, QR Code Generator allows you to open an account quickly and for free to create your own codes, but for basic codes you won’t be forced… The site will also allow you to create codes that will allow your interlocutors to go to a site web or on the App Store but also to download a PDF file, an SMS, an email, a photo gallery and even listen to an MP3 file!


QRCode encoder
QRCode encoder

Very simple, QR Code Encoder allows you to quickly generate a very simple code, not very customizable but effective! Simply enter the text or URL and click “create”.

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