Cognition and memory: design for our brains

Cognition and memory: design for our brains

Have you ever wondered how a Thought? Or how to create one Storage? Have you ever wondered why some experiences stay in our memory forever while others disappear as if nothing happened in our memory? In the next few lines we will explore the complex Interaction between design, cognition and memoryand we will discover how ours past experiences and ours Way of thinking influence on ours decision-making in the present.

Skills that make us unique

People are exposed to it all the time large amounts of information. In order to make decisions based on this that allow us to function properly in the environment, we must be able to do so encode, process, filter, store or discard and ultimate get it back Correctly.

All this is possible thanks to a variety of complex cognitive skillsincluding the Storage.

Cognitive processes are perception, attention, memory, language and thinking.

From the perspective of behavior designknow what that is Relationship between cognition and memory And finally, a deep understanding of how the human mind works is fundamental to design more effective and satisfying experiences For the users.

The term Understanding refers to mental processes that we use to understand the world around us. These processes include the Perception, attention, memory, thinking and problem solving.

The Storagein turn is that to store capacity Images, facts or situations in our mind, for theirs subsequent retrieval or recall. It is a fundamental cognition process because it enables us enables future use of the information we learned that before.

Therefore, while the Understanding allows us access and know the information the environment through various mechanisms that Storage allows us retain such information so that it can later be recovered and reused in other cognitive processes responsible for it decision making and des Troubleshooting.

As designers It is important to understand how this relationship affects human behavior and what design techniques we can use to facilitate this perception, attention and memory our users.

Basic principles of memory and cognition

Since one of the main goals of behavior design is to create Experiences these are easy to use and rememberr, it is necessary to consider the basic principles of memory and cognition: the cognitive loadThe familiarity and the Repetition.

The brain processes images faster than text.

cognitive load

The concept of cognitive load refers to the quantity mental effort what is needed for this process information certainly. If this fee is too highthat’s more likely Users feel overwhelmed and leave the task.

Therefore, one of the main goals that designers must pursue is to ensure that their designs work It’s from reduce cognitive load. For that it is essential Simplify the information and present it in a way easy to understand by the users.


Another important principle in memory and perception is this familiarity. It refers to the Ease with which certain information is processed Due to the previous exposure.

Come on designers can use that familiarity to improve the Ease of use and user experience. For example, using web designs that match the common conventions Navigating the web, the user’s feeling favors comfortable and familiar with sailing.


The Repetition It is defined as a learning strategy that consists of repeatedly introducing the learner to specific information. It is important for memory as it helps Consolidate information in long-term memory.

Also in the design field, it is possible to use the repetition mechanism to improve users’ memory. An example of this is the periodic reminders that some applications use to help users remember important tasks.

The memory process.

Other Supporting Techniques

In addition to these basic principles, there are others other specific techniques for improve The memory and perception of users that can be used in product and service design strategies. These are some of the most common:

  • Anchorage: It refers to the Association of an object with a specific concept for facilitate their memorization. For example, using images of famous places on a travel website can help users remember available travel destinations more easily.
  • narrative: refers to Structure information in a story consistent (Tell stories). Stories are easier to remember than lists of information because they are associated with emotions and personal experiences. Therefore, using storytelling technique in design can be very useful to improve users’ memory and cognition.
  • Return message: consists Provision of information to the userafter a specific action has been performed. Providing particularly positive feedback that helps users feel rewarded for their actions can be a powerful technique to increase their motivation and encourage them to continue using the product or service.

Create simple, engaging, and memorable experiences

In summary, understanding the relationship between cognition, memory and design is essential in the field of behavioral design. to create simple, comfortable and enjoyable experiencesit is necessary for designers to take this into account Basic principles of cognition and memory.

Use this way design strategies oriented to Improve memory and relieve cognitive loadB. Using clean and clear designs can make it easier for users to understand and remember, and ultimately help you create most rewarding experiences for the people.

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