Carousel, Video Profile, Link Stickers

Carousel, Video Profile, Link Stickers

The platform announces the removal of a number of features, but states that the publications that use these features will remain accessible.

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Three Professional Network features will be removed on June 26th. © bongkarn –

End Clap for image, profile video, and sticker carousels on LinkedIn

In a message to its creators, LinkedIn announced the upcoming retirement of the following features: image carousels, profile videos, and clickable links in images and videos.

“Thanks to your valuable feedback, we realized that some of our authoring tools were not able to share all your experiences and expertise with your community.” justifies the company in a statement that social media expert Matt Navarra published on Twitter. The retirement is scheduled for June 26, but content using these features until then will remain viewable on the platform.

The carousel option in PDF format is still available

The announcement of the removal of the image or video carousel is undoubtedly the most surprising, since this publication format generates more reach, according to an algorithm study conducted in 2022. But rest assured: it is always possible to pre-create a PDF, then create a carousel by adding the file to the platform.

The intro video feature presented in 2021 failed to impress, although the format is usually consumed on social platforms. As a reminder, this option allowed you to replace your profile photo with a short presentation video to share items that weren’t sufficiently detailed in the profile. It is similar with stickers on images and videos, a tool that will be used in the summer of 2022 and aims to facilitate the conversion of its audience.

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