Artificial intelligence or even editorial, the future of SEO?

Artificial intelligence or even editorial, the future of SEO?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the biggest trends in innovation. It is used in various fields such as transportation, health and entertainment. AI is also being used in search engines, and you may have heard of something called editorial AI before. The latter aims to change the way a search engine processes a query based on website content, context, and data from previous interactions. Therefore, editorial AI can improve the relevance of search results and user experience for internet users.

Therefore, it is possible that a website that is well optimized for natural referencing could benefit from this AI. However, some experts have indicated that editorial AI is only effective when used with webmaster-chosen keywords and structure. In fact, most editorial AI algorithms have not yet been developed, but in this article, we will demonstrate the benefits it brings and how to use them wisely.

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

An AI is like a robot and is used to “think” for you, perform repetitive tasks, write information for you, etc.

An AI is a system that runs autonomously (regardless of its creators, one way or another), while being able to modify and learn on its own.

Artificial intelligence is therefore a kind of computer capable of learning and evolving, as humans do.

2. Artificial intelligence in the world of SEO

Artificial Intelligence has been used for many years in the SEO world. Google’s algorithms are examples of what is called artificial intelligence. However, these algorithms are nowhere near as smart as a human and work differently.

With the advent of AI, one can easily imagine the quantity and quality of information that Google will be able to collect through its algorithms. This information will help Google improve its ability to better understand humans. Artificial intelligence will thus allow Google to test and exponentially improve its algorithms in a few days.

AI will also allow Google to learn from its mistakes and correct them when possible. In fact, artificial intelligence brings a new way of understanding things and, above all, a new level of data analysis that allows humans to have a clearer view of things.

And it is this level of data analysis that will drive the use of AI in content writing.

3. Artificial intelligence and SEO copywriting: towards a new collaboration?

AI: the real revolution in content writing

What will really rock the world of marketing and SEO is AI content writing. This will allow Google to have a better understanding of human beings. But this will push companies in particular to take an interest in a topic that is still little explored, the writing of content by AI.

Using artificial intelligence to optimize the natural referencing (SEO) of a website is an interesting strategic choice. Indeed, this technology can be effective to the extent that it is associated with the creation of editorial content.

Using artificial intelligence to understand the content of a website or page and associating this data with keywords chosen by webmasters to improve natural referencing (SEO) is an effective, but limited method. In fact, editorial AI does not allow the creation of original editorial content.

Most AI algorithms are still unable to make use of the meaning of words used in a text. Therefore, editorial AI technology is only effective with content produced by webmasters. This is why this AI is limited in its application to natural referencing (SEO).

To be fully effective, AI must be combined with original editorial content. Indeed, AI is unable to create new information.

Artificial intelligence algorithms are still a long way from being as effective as humans in producing original editorial content.

4. Why is artificial intelligence (AI) useful in editorial content writing?

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows you to automate some editorial content writing tasks. However, this technique is still limited and cannot replace the work of professional editors.

AI is useful in editorial content writing due to its semantic and natural language understanding capabilities. Thus, with a good structure and AI-adapted orientation, editorial content is automatically generated.

On the other hand, to produce original editorial content, artificial intelligence alone is not enough.

It therefore requires a combination of artificial intelligence and humans to support editorial content writing.

This allows you to create original editorial content without hiring professional writers. It is also a way to reduce the workload of webmasters who will then have to focus on SEO optimization and graphic content design.

It should also be noted that AI will never replace professional editors, as it cannot account for all aspects and situations of editorial content writing.

However, AI is not a barrier to editorial content writing as it allows you to automate certain tasks in relation to its capabilities.

An example of using AI in editorial content writing is this software called Quill.

Quill is an automated writing software that allows users to write original and coherent editorial content.

This software can analyze human-made text for inspiration to create quality editorial content. It can also be used in creating online forms or FAQs.

5. AI and Writing: What are the Ideal Ways to Use AI?

The best way to use AI in web writing is to use tools like Quill that enable professionals to create quality editorial content faster.

This system uses machine learning technology to create editorial content based on documents created by other humans.

This software can also be used to create online forms or FAQs and can learn even more as it produces content.

AI can also be used to improve editorial content from the outset. Tools like Wordstat and iMeeMee have an advanced commenting tool that allows users to review and communicate on content in real time.

These tools aren’t perfect yet, but they allow software teams to focus on software improvements to improve AI. But some tools stand out for their effectiveness and specificity!

6. The applications of artificial intelligence in SEO copywriting are numerous

The applications of artificial intelligence in SEO writing are numerous:

The use of AI in SEO copywriting is still on the rise. New software appears regularly, which makes it difficult to know the market. Most of the software is free, but some are paid. Users have to make a choice based on their specific needs.

The use of AI in SEO copywriting is still on the rise. New software appears every day, which makes it difficult to know the market. Most of the software is free, but some are paid. Users have to make a choice based on their specific needs.

🔝 3 AI-powered writing tools !

These three tools are the best known and best to use for SEO copywriting:

AI word : allows you to increase the amount of keywords in an article. It works in several steps: the first is to decompile the input to identify keywords, then replace empty phrases with synonyms and infer new keywords. : is an automatic rewrite tool. This software uses algorithms to find keywords to add to an article. It can also be used to completely rewrite an article to make it better.

MarkCopy : is a program that allows you to rewrite an article in a workmanlike manner. An online rewrite process follows.

Once the articles are written by these tools, you need to make sure that you are using your keywords correctly. For this, you need to manually check if the keywords have been placed in the right place and are being used in the right context. The keywords must be placed at the beginning and end of the article and also within it, in order to respect the relationship indicated above.

Finally, it is necessary to verify that the content of the article corresponds to the expectations of the Internet users. Therefore, the article must be understandable and interesting. It must also be ensured that the content of the article is appreciated by as many Internet users as possible.

7. How can marketers adapt to the evolution of AI?

Knowing that marketers have a say in AI, they must adapt to this evolution by learning and seeking to understand the opportunities to improve their strategy through AI. They must also develop skills in digital and marketing professions such as data science. They have to train as quickly as possible to take advantage of this new technology.

Marketers should also try to understand what AI can do for their business. They must be able to answer the following questions: what can be done with AI, how can AI increase business performance, how can AI improve business processes?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that improves business performance. However, you need to have a clear and accurate view of the profits you will retract as part of a marketing strategy. Marketers therefore need to be able to immerse themselves in this new technology and understand the strategic issues it represents.


AI isn’t perfect yet, but it will probably be very useful in the future. Indeed, with artificial intelligence, it will be possible to write articles faster and more productively. It will be easier to write a quality article because the AI will study previous articles to extract the necessary information. This will prevent duplication of content and ensure that the content is accessible to a wider audience.

The AI will also identify the strengths and weaknesses of the articles in order to derive best practices. The AI can then advise humans to rewrite the parts that need to be improved to make them more attractive.

Finally, AI will be able to develop optimization strategies and content enhancement techniques. The AI will thus be able to propose an article structure and an action plan to write a quality article.

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