AdForecast program no. 7 5 October Impacts of inflation

AdForecast program no.  7 – 5 October – Impacts of inflation

For its seventh edition, AdForecast will give the floor to leaders and experts from media agencies (GroupM, Publicis, Mediabrands, Dentsu, Havas, OMG) to imagine and anticipate the advertising market in 2024. Various agencies they will update their forecasts annual on this occasion.

France Pub will reveal an exclusive analysis of theimpact of inflation on the advertising dynamics of the sectors, and Kantar will present an unpublished study on the new advertising creations linked to purchasing power.

From the advertisers (Aldi, AXA) will share their views on market trends and the impacts of inflation (consumer prices, media costs). How brands show imagination to maintain or develop their own voice sharingwhile overlooking the behavioral changes consumers?

Organized by CB Newsin collaboration with Les Echos Le Parisien MédiasL’UDECAM and the Advertisers Clubthe conference will be held from 9:00 to 11:30 (reception and coffee from 8:30), in the auditorium of the Les Echos et du Parisien headquarters, 10 boulevard Grenelle, Paris 15.

Guests will be welcomed starting from 8:30 am. You can register by clicking on this link.

The magazines October CB News on this occasion, a report on the media advertising market will also be distributed (impacts of inflation, analysis of trends, forecasts and prospects).

Pierre Louette
president of the Group Les Echos/Le Parisienwill present this morning dedicated to forecasts and analyzes of the advertising market and the impacts of inflation.

Here is the conference program and speakers:

. « We are at a critical point »
An interview with Mathieu MorgensternCEO GroupM France and national manager WPP in France

. “Sector trends influenced by the social divide”
An exclusive analysis of the evolution of the advertising market by Saverio GuillonCEO of French pub, Saverio GuillonCEO of France PUB, who will also present his forecasts for the landing in 2023.

. Exclusive media agency forecasts (2023 and 2024)
Communication agencies update their forecasts on the advertising market on the occasion of AdForecast, with their future insights:
Julie HumeauDirector of Media Insights, Dentsu France.
Céline BaumannChief of Magna, Mediabrands.

. “Is a brand in danger when it reduces its media investments? »
A Havas Media/Kantar Worldpanel study presented by Faiza RabahInsights Director, Havas Media Network Francewhich will also reveal Havas Media’s predictions.

. Summary of forecasts, edited by Emanuele CaronnatDirector of CB expert

. “Inflation and advertising: creative trends”
An exclusive Kantar study, presented by Léopold SarthouHead of Insights chez Kantar.

. “The effects of inflation”a round table with:
. Anne-Marie GaultierDG Marketing and Communication, Aldi,
. Thomas BoutteBrand Director, AXA France and administrator at Advertisers Club,
. Anne ThetierGeneral Manager in charge of trading, Oh my God, France,

To conclude, Corinne MrejenGeneral Manager of the Division Les Echos-Le Parisien Partners and Chief Impact Officers will react to the morning’s presentations and provide their point of view on the advertising market.

Read also:

. all our articles on Adforecast

. For you, 2023 will be the year of what…? (November 2022)

. Adforecast#6, Towards Media Intelligence: conference replay (October 2022)

. AdForecast#6: CB Expert magazine “Towards Media Intelligence” (October 2022)

. Adforecast#5: the conference replay (October 2021)

. AdForecast#5: CB Expert magazine “Thinking about the future: The new balances” (October 2021)

. Adforecast #4: Everyone is waiting for the recovery in 2021! (October 2020)

. Adforecast#4: the complete video of the conference (October 2020)

. Adforecast 2019: Best of Videos (October 2019)

. Discover the CB Expert editorial “Adforecast 2019: Monetizations of the future” and download the magazine (October 2019)

. The CB Expert magazine “Media Economy 2018” is online (October 2018)

. AdForecast 2017: Best of Video (October 2017)

. Media economics and advertising market: what is the point of growth? (October 2017)

Access the AdForecast 2023 registration link

  • tags: AdForecast, AgenceMedia, Agences, Aldi, Annonceurs, Axa, CBExpert, CBNews, Dentsu, Evento, FrancePub, GroupM, HavasMedia, Kantar, LeParisien, LesEchos, LesEchosLeParisien, LesEchosLeParisienMédias, Marques, OMG, Prévisions, Publicis, WPP

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