a necessary profession for content marketing in 2023?

a necessary profession for content marketing in 2023?

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, has turned the world of content marketing upside down. To make the most of this technology, it is essential to master the art of making suggestions. Prompt engineers, industry experts, stand out as protagonists…

Crucial elements of the suggestions

For a prompt to be effective, it must incorporate several essential components:web marketing training

  • Context : Serves to give the AI ​​a basis of understanding on the subject or theme to be treated.
  • Stain : Precisely defines what is expected of AI, whether it is writing an article, answering a question or any other action.
  • Instructions : Guide the AI ​​on how to do the task, for example by giving it instructions on the tone or style to adopt.
  • Clarification : This eliminates any ambiguity in the request, to ensure that the AI ​​understands exactly what is expected of it.
  • Refinement : After receiving an initial response from the AI, this stage consists of refining the request to obtain an even more precise or adapted result.

The efficient formulation of suggestions

Correctly formulating a prompt means guiding AI towards the production of relevant, unique content that satisfies user needs while respecting search engine criteria. A clear example:

“Write a blog post about the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Be sure to include meaningful subheadings such as impact on heart health (H2), diabetes prevention (H2), contribution to better digestion (H2), and weight loss benefits (H2). Each subtitle (H2) must have 1 to 2 subtitles (H3). The article must contain between 800 and 1000 words, and be structured in a way that is easy to read and understand, both for readers and for search engines. Don’t forget to naturally incorporate keywords like “vegetarian diet,” “health benefits,” and “meatless diet” into your text. »

Avoid predictability and similarity

One of the main concerns when creating content using artificial intelligence is the generation of redundant or similar texts from other sources. Prompt engineers, thanks to their expertise, know how to direct artificial intelligence to obtain original results.

What is it ? Predictability refers to a machine’s tendency to follow a recognizable pattern or to generate responses based on patterns commonly observed in training data.

Example : Suppose we ask the AI ​​to write a story about a child who visits a zoo. Without proper guidelines, AI could start the story with an all-too-common sentence like: “Once upon a time there was a little boy who wanted to visit a zoo…” This type of start is predictable because it follows a classic pattern.


What is it ? Similarity refers to creating content that is too similar to existing sources, thus reflecting a lack of originality.

Let’s say you ask the AI ​​to write an article about the benefits of yoga. If you get something like this “Yoga is an ancient practice that improves flexibility and reduces stress…”it could be very similar to hundreds of other articles on the subject.

The crucial role of timely engineers

Prompt engineers are the experts who direct and direct AI to generate unique and relevant content. Here’s how they can help counter predictability and similarity:

  • Introduce specific directives: By providing clear, step-by-step instructions, they can steer the AI ​​towards less generic answers.
    Instead of just asking” Write a story about a child who visits a zoo“, they might ask” It tells a story where a little girl named Lila visits a space zoo with alien animals« .
  • Use iterative approaches: Engineers can ask follow-up questions to dig deeper into a topic, encouraging the AI ​​to produce unique detail and insight. Instead of a direct question about the benefits of yoga, they might ask “What are the lesser known benefits of yoga for older people? ” OR ” How does yoga specifically help musicians?« .

But even better, you can ask questions that concern only the experts, i.e. the connoisseurs…

The art of predicting search trends

Formulating a prompt also means anticipating the future needs of users. Engineers can, through their skills, predict future research trends and steer AI accordingly. Because living in an age of information speed, where every day brings its share of new trends, requires constant and superhuman adaptation! This is especially true in the digital world where search terms change almost every day… We know it well. In this context, how can we keep up with the times? This is where the art of predicting search trends comes into play.

Anticipate to serve better

Every query typed into a search engine reflects a need, a curiosity or a concern. Imagine a world in which, even before the user makes his request, the system is already prepared to respond adequately. This is the promise of effective trend anticipation.

Example : When the first iPhone was launched, an increase in searches like “ How to use an iPhone? “, “Apps for iPhone” or “Tips for iPhone it was observed. Predicting this trend would have made it possible to already have precise answers to these questions even before they were asked en masse.

The central role of engineers

We see that formulating a prompt for an AI is not limited to coding or giving a basic directive. It is an alchemy that combines technical knowledge, human intuition and a deep understanding of user needs.

  • Data analysis : Engineers have tools and methods for analyzing historical data, allowing them to identify recurring patterns or patterns that may indicate a future trend.Example : By studying research data after each major sporting event, an engineer could see an increase in queries related to specific exercises or diets and prepare the AI ​​to answer those questions in the future.
  • Watch with intuition and technology: Alongside pure analysis, intuition plays an important role. Engineers, by staying at the forefront of controlling technology, can anticipate the questions users might have when faced with new advances.Example : With the emergence of self-driving cars, an experienced engineer might anticipate questions like, “How does a self-driving car work?” or “Is it safe to drive a self-driving car?” and guide the AI ​​to provide relevant answers.

The essential role of Prompts engineers in the future of marketing

The ever-evolving field of content marketing is benefiting greatly from advances in artificial intelligence. However, to get the most out of it, the role of Prompts engineers is crucial. They represent the link between man and machine, ensuring quality, relevant and optimized content. For the next few years, which will focus on indexing in Answer Engines (OMR), the art of producing updated, human and intelligent content will be crucial. And by doing so, the utility of timely engineers will be in demand in nearly every market.

This is the art of anticipating expectations!

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