5 videos on CRM tools

5 videos on CRM tools

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The Ultimate B2B Seller’s Guide to Acquiring and Attracting New Customers

Discover my secrets to finding and converting new B2B customers while your competitors are waiting for their phones to ring (unless they’re reading it in front of you).

GRC (Customer Relationship Management) tools have been democratized in companies. The technology is mature and used by most sales people in companies.

In this article, I suggest you watch 5 videos to learn in minutes:

  • What is a CRM?
  • why the use of such a tool is strategic,
  • What are the best free CRMs (to further compare the different CRM software visit this link)
  • how to use the tool with your sales staff,
  • how to maintain a clean and usable database.

What is CRM / GRC (Customer Relationship Management)?

Let’s start with the simplest but also the most important question: What is a CRM tool?

In this Connected Cookie video we learn that the CRM is a software package that aims to do this Capture, understand, manage and anticipate needs Your prospects and your existing customers.

CRMs are often made available in the cloud, so sales reps can use them with a simple internet connection (no software installation required on the computer).

All customer data is centralized in the same tool. The ultimate goal is to customize and personalize the marketing and sales approach to improve sales rep conversion/signature rate and increase sales rep productivity (provided your CRM delivers on these fundamental promises).

For this purpose, the CRM allows the structuring of:

  • Pre-sales (marketing and prospecting campaigns)
  • the sales process (from qualification to invoicing)
  • Customer service.

Why is a CRM tool strategic?

The CRM is not a gadget, but a strategic company value. In fact, the tool contains the most valuable data that exist in a company: customer data.

Compared to a simple spreadsheet, CRM software offers:

  • more than Security,
  • a better one historicization of relations prospects & customers,
  • And enrichment maximum data about a customer (potential or existing),
  • And pilot service simplified commercial activity,
  • A integration between marketing and sales facilitated.

The video continues with a brief demonstration of Hubspot to prove that you already have a lot of features to simplify your business with a CRM at a great price.

Comparison of some free CRM tools

This short, no-voice-over video lists 5 free or freemium CRMs you can use for your business.

For each solution, its benefits are summarized so that you can better choose the CRM tool that suits your needs. The video concludes with a detailed description of the limitations of the free versions of these CRMs.

The verified solutions are:

  • Agile CRM
  • HubSpot CRM
  • lead list
  • SuiteCRM
  • Zoho CRM

Encourage your sales reps to adopt customer relationship management

Choosing a CRM software is just the beginning of the story. It must continue to be used by sellers or it will just put an extra burden on your sales force.

This webinar will teach you in about twenty minutes Tips for leading change within the company to accelerate the rollout of your CRM solution.

Several good tips and best practices will be covered:

  • Start with the goal and KPIs you want to move before you actually start using the tool.
  • Hire adoption plan up front, even before the CRM is placed in the hands of the sales team.
  • Participate the sales people and all users of the solution from the beginning of the project (and not confining the project to the IT department).
  • Create some ambassador communities Spread across the organization to facilitate CRM adoption.
  • Avoid “mass communication” with employees and prefer a individualized communication To encourage the adoption of CRM.

Maintain a clean CRM database

“A prospect/client database is like a teenager’s bedroom. »

So this video begins with a common sense metaphor that immediately explains to people the meaning of Maintain a clean, up-to-date, and actually useful customer database for your sales…

When you use a CRM tool, you keep collecting new data until the system becomes a real monster! Yes, but now all this data is not necessarily useful for the commercial process: either because it is too old, because it is wrong or unusable, or because it does not comply with GDPR principles…

Poorly cleaned data can have a strong negative impact on the performance of your commercial actions. So how to proceed?

  1. Do one inventory the data stored in your CRM
  2. EXTINGUISH the data of contacts who no longer respond to your requests
  3. Enrich the details of contacts who are still of interest to your business (the video mentions the Dropcontact tool to make this task easier).

Note that in the B2B space, some services allow you to automatically and effortlessly complete your database. In B2B, this is referred to as Siretization. The SIRET is used here as a matching key to make it easier to find multiple pieces of information about a specific company by comparing databases from different sources. Enough to complete the data of your customer relationship management tool without getting tired!

The Ultimate B2B Seller’s Guide to Acquiring and Attracting New Customers

Discover my secrets to finding and converting new B2B customers while your competitors are waiting for their phones to ring (unless they’re reading it in front of you).

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