5 tips for writing an effective editorial

The editorial is the first text that appears to readers and sets the tone for the rest of the publication. “Editorial” or simply “editorial” is what we call the introductory text of newspapers and magazines. In a broader sense, the term also applies to Newsletter.

Unlike the texts that follow, the editorial is primarily a point of view. It offers its author an opportunity to speak directly to the readers, capturing their attention and encouraging them to read the rest of the publication.

MADMAGZ AGENCY gives you 5 tips for writing a successful and attractive editorial.

Write an editorial in internal communications

Whether in the internal journal or in the newsletter, the editorial is one of the most anticipated pieces of content. Internal communication (in contrast to the classic press) is rarely about denouncing a situation or asserting a specific position.

On the contrary, it tends to unite employees around a common theme.

Write an editorial vs sign an editorial

In many general publications, it is the editor who writes an editorial and signs it. But this text is also a showcase for internal communication, in which management can express itself.

It can therefore be signed :

  • A member of management;
  • A branch or department manager;
  • A project manager.

Depending on the case, the writing is the responsibility of the internal communications teams, the pen of the president or the editor-in-chief of the media concerned.

The person signing is not necessarily the one writing. But in any case, the rules to follow to write an attractive editorial are the same.

5 principles you should follow to write a powerful editorial

At first glance, writing an editorial may seem similar to writing other internal communication texts. you must follow simple rules to ensure you are writing an effective editorial. The editorial, however, is a completely different category: it is a written statement that falls halfway between an article and an interview.

That’s why we offer you these 5 tips to succeed in this delicate exercise.

1) Define the goal before you start writing

Even if the editorial is a text that expresses a personal point of view, it must be carefully constructed. And that starts with defining your goal. Does he have to give explanations on a subject? Serve as an introduction to a topic that will be developed later in the publication? Help improve employee morale in a complex time?

This definition serves as a guide for writing an editorial.

2) Adapt the editorial to other content

Since this is the first text of the publication, the editorial also serves as an introduction. It must therefore announce the content of the following content. It is not intended to cover all of the topics covered in the magazine or internal newsletter. Rather, it’s about putting them in a specific context, such as general news or an important upcoming event for the company.

If you are not the editor of the editorial, consider sending a detailed synopsis to the person responsible for writing. This will help him position the text well. Also send him the planned calibration: this way you avoid the detours that would be necessary to adapt the text to the available space in your template.

3) Write an editorial, not a speech

The balance is sometimes difficult to find. The editorial is a piece of text that is often signed by an officer of the company. And if it is actually a speech: it must not be converted into speech. This also responds to separate writing rules.

The register of language is therefore that of writing. Also, limit overly complicated phrases or technical terms. However, the tone of the editorial may differ from that of other content. Above all, you need to speak directly to the readers.

The editorial office is also not the right place for important announcements. A director can use this channel to clarify their position on an issue or to prepare the ground for the release of important news. However, since not all readers will necessarily stop at the editorial or read it in its entirety, it should not be used to reveal important information.

4) Address specific cases

For the message to be effective, it must be based on precise facts. If the editorial remains too theoretical, you risk losing some readers along the way. Mainly because writing an editorial is an exercise in synthesis: you don’t have a lot of space. There is therefore a risk that you will not be able to detail the details of your considerations.

On the contrary: by referring to specific examples, it is possible to illustrate the facts and to link what has been said to elements that are known to the employees.

5) Write the title last

This rule applies to all articles, but is even more important when writing an editorial. It is necessary to fascinate the reader, to arouse his curiosity. While you wait for the draft to be completed, make sure you have all the elements on hand to come up with the best wording.

Also, pay special attention to the first and last sentences. They are the ones who will have the greatest impact on the reader’s mind!

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