How to create a blog on Blogger in 4 simple steps?

▷ How to create a blog on Blogger in 4 simple steps?

Are you thinking of creating a blog and don’t know which platform to use?

Today I bring you a guide on Blogger, a free blogging platform.

How to create a blog in Blogger step by step?  4 step tutorial

In this article I will teach you how to create a Blogger blog and I will tell you whether or not I recommend this platform, as I always do.

Remember that I only want the best for my readers. Because I know they are the smartest 😎

Read on to learn more!


What is Google Blogger?

Blogger is an online blogging platform owned by Google.

It was launched in 1999 by Pyra Labs and later acquired by Google in 2003.

Blogger allows users to create and publish blogs for free on the Internet.

☝ Blogger features

Blogger has a series of characteristic functions that I leave you below:

➡️ Free blog creation

You can create your own blog free form thanks to Blogger

You don’t need to have advanced technical knowledge, as the platform offers a intuitive user interface.

➡️ Customizable templates

Blogger offers you a variety of predefined templates which users can customize according to their preferences.

You can also use customized templates if you have web design knowledge.

➡️ Integration with Google

Since Blogger is owned by Google, it offers easy integration with other Google products and services, such as:

➡️ Free accommodation

Blogger hosts blogs for free on its domain

However, you can also use your domain customized if you wish.

Why don’t I recommend Blogger to create your blog?

Although it is an interesting platform thanks to its low cost, I don’t advise you that you use Blogger for a serious and long-term project.

In my experience, it’s better to use other options that give you more features that give your blog an edge more professional and attractive appearancewhich will be most appreciated by your readers.

For me, the best alternative in this case is WordPress.

With a WordPress blog you will notice a noticeable improvement in quality in:

  • Control and customization
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability
  • SEO and marketing

There are times when it’s better to spend a little more to get better results.

Cheap can be expensive and weigh down your valuable content.

👉 Find out everything you need to know about the Blogging in this guide 👈

Step 1: Create an account on Blogger

To start creating your blog on Google Blogger, the first thing you need to do is create an account on this platform.

Here we will explain the steps to follow to register and access the Blogger Help Center:

1. Sign up for Blogger

To do this, you need to go to its main page and click on ‘Create your blog‘.

Register on Blogger

You can link your Google account for registration.

2. Determine your blog data

Once the session has started, you will need to enter the details of your future blog.

You will have to choose the name of your blog:

Name of your Blogger blog

He domain which will have:

Blogger blog domain

And the name visible. Namely the author:

Blogger blog display name

Once this is done, your blog will be created.

Next, you need to start entering entries, we show you how in the next step.

Step 2: Create a new blog post

Once you’ve created your Blogger account and are ready to start posting content to your blog, the next step is create a new entry.

Follow these steps to create and set up your Blogger post:

1. Go to the “Posts” section in Blogger

In the menu on the left you will find the item ‘Aperitif‘.

Add a post to Blogger

Click on it to access the post editor.

2. Use the text editor to create the entry

Once you’re in the ‘Aperitif‘, you will find the Blogger text editor.

Here you can write the content of your post using the tools and formatting options available in the toolbar.

Write an entry on Blogger

Use the Word processor-like text editor For:

  • Format your content
  • Add links
  • Insert images and more.

3. Set your publishing options

In addition to writing the content of your post, it is important to configure your publishing options.

In the editing window itself you will find various options, such as:

  • The possibility of add tags or categories to your voice to organize the content.
  • to establish publication calendardetermining the Date and time exact locations where you want your post to appear
  • Define the visibility of your entrychoosing if you want it to be public, private or if you simply want it to be seen by specific people.

4. Save or publish the entry

Once you’ve finished writing your post and set up all your publishing options, it’s time to decide what to do with it.

If you want to make further changes later, save the entry as a draft.

Post the entry on Blogger

If you are satisfied with the content and settingsyou can click the ‘buttonSend‘ so that your entry is available for users to see on your blog.

Step 3: Create blog pages

In this step you will learn how to create pages on your Blogger blog.

Pages are fixed sections of the website which differ from posts, as they are usually used for permanent content and not for regular publications.

Follow the steps below to create your pages:

1. Access the “Pages” section of Blogger

To get started, log in to your Blogger account and access your dashboard.

Then, look for the ‘sectionpages‘ in the side menu and click on it.

This will take you to the page where you can manage and create new pages on your blog.

2. Use the text editor to create a new page

Once you are in the ‘sectionpages‘, look for the button or link that lets you create a new page.

Create a page on Blogger

Clicking on it will open the text editor where you can start creating your page.

Use the text editor similar to a word processor for writing the content of your page.

You can add:

  • Titles
  • Paragraphs
  • Lists
  • Other formatting elements to structure your content appropriately

Now that you know how to create pages on your Blogger blog, you’ll be able to organize your content efficiently and offer your readers clear, easy-to-find information.

Remember that pages are ideal for fixed sections like ‘From‘, ‘Contact‘or’Privacy Policies‘.

Step 4: Customize your blog layout

Once you’ve created your blog on Blogger, it’s time to give it a custom look.

In this section you will learn how to access the ‘Project‘ in Blogger and how to define different settings so that your blog has a unique design.

1. Go to the “Design” section in Blogger

To start customizing your blog design in Blogger, you need to go to the ‘Project‘.

To do this, log in to your Blogger account and select the blog you want to work on.

Then, find and click on the link “Project‘ in your blog dashboard.

2. Add elements such as headers, sidebars and footers

Once in the ‘sectionProject‘ from Blogger you can add different elements to give structure and functionality to your blog.

You can add:

  • Headers
  • Sidebars
  • Footer to organize and display information relevant to your visitors
Blogger layout panel

Using the drag and drop function you will be able to place these elements in different positions within the structure of your blog.

3. Customize the appearance of the theme, colors, fonts and visual elements

In addition to adding structural elements, you can also customize the visual appearance of your blog in Blogger.

In the section ‘He‘, you will find options to change the default theme of your blog.

Blogger Topics

You can choose from several theme options and customize its appearance by changing:

  • Colors
  • Fonts and other visual elements

This way, you can adapt the design of your blog to your preferences and style.

In short

Now that you know how to create a blog on Blogger, all you have to do is get to work.

However, as I told you at the beginning, I don’t think it’s the best choice in the world if you want to have a serious blog with which to achieve important results.

Its various limitations are a long-term burden, so I recommend you explore the WordPress option before getting started to avoid future disappointment.

Now, the decision depends on you and what you are trying to achieve.

But always remember this:

“Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to put them into practice. And long afterward the ghosts of these ideas come back to haunt them.”

David Schwartz

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