Why Quimby Digital moved from Sprout Social to Agorapulse

Why Quimby Digital moved from Sprout Social to Agorapulse

“With growth comes more chaos,” says Ashley Rector. “As a social media marketing agency, managing client approvals has always been the biggest challenge for us.”

Ashley Rector had many other tasks to perform, such as ensuring content was published on time and evaluating the ROI of content. He quickly realized that he would have to automate tasks if he wanted to continue growing effectively.

Start with Agorapulse

From the beginning, Ashley Rector knew that Agorapulse would be a great fit for Quimby Digital.

“You were a breeze,” he noted, citing ease of use as a standout feature.

“We wanted something as simple as possible that my customers could view, give feedback on, and give feedback on. And it’s always been a challenge for them to connect to a tool and have to take charge of it. All our customers love your “calendar” view. It was really easy for them to click on it and express their opinion. They didn’t have to remember passwords. It was definitely easier.”

Furthermore, the profitability of the tool and the highly responsive customer service convinced Ashley Rector to use Agorapulse.

An unexpected detour through Sprout Social

While Quimby Digital had a positive experience with Agorapulse, the pursuit of new features like TikTok API integration ultimately pushed Ashley and his team to explore other options. The agency ultimately opted for Sprout Social’s “Enterprise” plan.

“Sprout Social was one of the few platforms that offered TikTok integration, so it seemed like the best option at the time,” recalls Ashley Rector.

However, after just a few months of contracting with Sprout Social, the experience started to go downhill.

The social media monitoring feature, which the team initially considered a valuable addition, proved to be underutilized due to high costs and lack of customer interest. Additionally, there have been changes to pricing for beta features. These were now counted as add-ons, leading to a substantial increase in costs.

However, The most frustrating part of the Sprout Social experience was the lack of quality customer supportaccording to Ashley Rector, who described it as “disorganized”.

“There are about 50 different people you have to go to with a problem. There is not a single person who understands your account, which is problematic when you already have 50 numbers. And they’re in five different departments, so no one knows what’s going on.”

Not only was the Quimby Digital team unhappy with Sprout Social’s services, but their customers also expressed a preference for the features offered by Agorapulse.

“Everyone wanted to come back to Agorapulse,” Ashley Rector said.

Returning to Agorapulse after Sprout Social

The agency realized that the rising costs and challenges associated with Sprout Social would not be resolved. He then decided to return to Agorapulse.

Decisive factors included:

More, Agorapulse then integrated TikTok into its platformwhich was the main reason Quimby Digital initially made the change.

A renewed partnership

Since returning in April 2023 from Sprout Social, Ashley Rector’s team has rediscovered the benefits of Agorapulse, enjoying features like batch uploading, social media ROI measurement tool, and easy scheduling.

“Everything is going great,” says Ashley Rector. “The team had nothing but good things to say and had no issues.”

Quimby Digital’s return to Agorapulse streamlined operations and resulted in significant savings for the agency. They saved 1,700 dollars (1,612 euros) per month, or 20,400 dollars (19,344 euros) per year.

But for Quimby Digital, the biggest benefit of using Agorapulse goes beyond intuitive features or saving money.

“Agorapulse seemed more interested in the results and productivity of our agency and its future. At Sprout we were treated like just another person in line,” says Ashley Rector.

“If your philosophy as an agency is to treat your clients as if they were just another person… then I can understand why you would choose Sprout. But we are an agency that maintains a special relationship with our clients and cares deeply about their results. And these are the types of partners we want to collaborate with. That’s why Agorapulse was the right choice for us.”

Bottom line: Why did Quimby Digital switch from Sprout Social to Agorapulse?

By offering a cost-effective, intuitive and responsive solution, Agorapulse has proven to be a capable partner in supporting Quimby Digital on its path to sustainable business growth.

To find out how Agorapulse can help your agency grow better, book a personalized meeting with one of our team members today.

Sprout Social, why Quimby Digital moved from Sprout Social to Agorapulse

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