What is it, what is it for and how does it work 2023

What is it, what is it for and how does it work 2023

What is LinkedIn Learning And what does it consist of? In this article you will see what this platform is for, the benefits of using it and how it works learning Linkedin.

If you are looking for a quality site where you can train and learn from the best experts in different topics, you will like to know this LinkedIn e-learning platform.

LinkedIn saw an opportunity in being able to satisfy the users’ need to acquire quality training and therefore created its own training platform. If you do not know it or do not know how it works, in this article I will explain everything you need to know to start using the courses LinkedIn learning.

What is LinkedIn learning and what is it for?

LinkedIn learning is an online course training platform which is integrated into its own LinkedIn social network.

Today it has more than 20,000 free and paid courses on different topics in seven languages, which makes it an invaluable resource for improving your career and acquiring new professional skills.

The way to introduce knowledge to students is through video tutorials taught by specialists in the field.

LinkedIn Business what it is and how it works LinkedIn for companies.

What is LinkedIn learning used for companies?

Improving the competitiveness of workers is a very important factor for the development and advancement of a company.

Hence the need for the social network of professionals to launch this initiative, since, on their own website, they emphasize that: “The main reason why workers leave a business is due to a lack of professional development”.

Given that fact, LinkedIn learning you can access training courses if you leave the social network, where the platform segments the courses into three main categories:

  • Creativity.
  • Business.
  • Technology.

best linkedin learning courses

From these categories, topics and subtopics are divided so that you can find the training that you are demanding at that moment.

To finish this question about what LinkedIn learning is for, the social network itself states that the “94% of employees say they would spend more time in a company if it invested more in learning and development towards employees”

With data like this, surely you are already clearer about the importance and power of this online training tool.

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Characteristics of LinkedIn learning courses in Spanish

Now that you know the importance of LinkedIn learning for your company and employees, it’s time to talk about some of its features.

LinkedIn learning features:

  • unlimited access: Choose the number of times you want the course and repeat it as many times as you see fit.
  • Specialized staff: LinkedIn promises that the courses are taught by course specialists who want to teach you.
  • personalized training: It adapts to your lifestyle and you can see it whenever you want and from wherever you want, either on your computer or mobile.
  • Can cancel paid subscription at any time of the year without penalty.
  • Free plan: First month free to try the courses.
  • Adaptation: You receive personalized courses based on your profile data.
  • Qualification: Certificates of completion of the courses.
  • Practice: Test what you have learned through tests and exercises.
  • Update of the courses.
  • content integration: possibility of importing material from other providers and merging it with the content offer of other platforms.
  • Wide variety of material: more than 20,000 courses in different languages ​​and taught by leading experts.
  • Security: Voted the most secure platform in 2020, it surpasses Instagram, Telegram and other services in terms of security. It has strong security measures in place to protect user data and maintain the privacy of shared information.

platform features

Now you know all the potential that the LinkedIn training platform has.

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Benefits of using LinkedIn Learning

Some of its benefits are:

  • Improve professional skills: taking quality training is key to improving professional skills. If you are looking to improve your skills, on this platform you have more than 20,000 top-level courses taught by leading experts in their fields.
  • Increase content quality: On this platform you can import content from other providers to optimize the quality of the courses. This feature makes it an ideal platform for onboarding and training.
  • Foster professional relationships: Linkedin learn also offers a social network for professionals to expand their contacts and cultivate interpersonal relationships. Very useful for networking.
  • Use professional tools: It also provides tools such as creating a company page or sharing content on the LinkedIn wall.

And now let’s see how this platform works in a simple way.

How does LinkedIn learning work?

The operation of this course platform is very simple. Here you will see the ways to access the tool, since, once inside, the interface is friendly to navigation.

How to access LinkedIn learning

Whether you have a LinkedIn Premium account or not, the access method is the same, the steps to take are:

  1. Click on the icon of the 9 points that is in the upper right part, as you see in the image (1)within your home page of the social network.steps to start learning linkedin for free
  2. Click on the button that says “Learn” (2)which will take you to the platform.
  3. Click on “start my free month”.
  4. Choose the plan you want.
  5. Enter your credentials.
  6. Confirm your payment plan and choose a payment method.
  7. You can now enjoy LinkedIn learning.

Once inside the program, all you have to do is look at which courses are best suited to the professional needs you want to solve.

Free LinkedIn Learning Courses

All the courses available on the platform you will be able to enjoy a month for free once you register for the first time in the “learning” as you could prove in the lines above.

e-learning courses

Once the trial month is over, to continue enjoying this tool, you have to pay for a subscription.

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Paid LinkedIn learning courses

LinkedIn does not differ in free or paid courses, what the platform does is offer a free month so that you, as a user or business entity, can test the platform and then assess whether the content found within it meets your needs.

linkedin learning business

How much do LinkedIn learning courses cost?

What is the price of LinkedIn for companies? And for individual professionals?

If you are self-employed or an employee and you want to train with LinkedIn learning courses, you can enjoy 1 month free trial and once that period is over you can continue using it with the following LinkedIn learning pricing:

  • annual plan: €19.99 per month.
  • monthly plan: €39.99 per month.

In case you already have a LinkedIn Premium account, you don’t need to pay more to use it, since this service is already included in your package.

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Conclusion on LinkedIn learning business

As you could see, LinkedIn learning courses offer you the possibility of making your business more profitable thanks to the continuous training that both you and your employees would have, improving the competitiveness of this.

It will also help you retain great talent in your company, since many professionals positively value continuous training and learning new professional skills.

All these advantages of LinkedIn learning courses cannot be possible thanks to the quality of the teaching staff, a characteristic that the social network itself emphasizes well on its website.

Did you know LinkedIn learning? Are you going to use this elearning platform?

I read you in the comments.

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