What is a newsletter?

What is a newsletter?

The brands use the newsletter to spread information about their activities and their products. The newsletter is sent to a list of recipients who have consented to receiving these emails.

According to Statista, more than 332 billion emails will be sent every day in 2022. In addition, 4.2 billion people use email as a means of communication. These two numbers justify marketing teams’ interest in email campaigns. The newsletter is part of this strategy. She keeps prospects and customers up to date on company news such as the launch of a new product. The content of a newsletter varies depending on the strategy of the marketing team. This can be tips and tricks, training videos, user guides, blog posts, etc.

The goals of a newsletter

With the advent of other means of communication, the newsletter may seem outdated. But despite the trend towards social networks, they remain an important ally in communication. The renowned New York Times newspaper, for example, offers around sixty different newsletters. Its content attracts more than 14 million readers.

This example shows the importance of a newsletter in an inbound marketing strategy. The goal is Offer target groups content with high added value. This method allows a company to easily achieve its goal. The frequency of sending depends on the chosen strategy. The newsletter can be sent daily, monthly, etc. The goal is to schedule a regular appointment to keep subscribers interested.

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If it’s well written A newsletter represents a loyalty tool Effective. In addition, it encourages interaction with customers through content such as surveys or calls for donations.

The different types of newsletters

A newsletter can take different forms depending on the content.

The curation newsletter

The company chooses relevant content on the web and condenses it into a single article. She relies on multiple sources to compose a summary and give her own opinion on the subject. It may also offer a new article based on these sources.

The product newsletter

The newsletter serves here as a means of communication for the imminent arrival of a product. It could also be the appearance of a new feature. The content focuses on product details. A video serves as a user guide and customer training.

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The product newsletter is not only aimed at customers, but also at interested parties. A demonstration video can pique their interest.

The customer newsletter

As his name suggests She keeps customers updated with news about the brand and its products. The content may also relate to the promotion of content on the website. The aim is to keep the readers in suspense through creativity.

The event newsletter

The newsletter informs recipients about events in which the company participates. This can be seminars, trade fairs, round tables, etc. This content serves as a guide for customers to events not to be missed.

The blog newsletter

This is the most popular format. The blog covers all hot topics that might be of interest to subscribers. The company can only share articles from its blog. This technique generates traffic on the website.

Which indicators can be used to measure the performance of a newsletter campaign?

Several indicators are used to measure the performance of a newsletter campaign. These numbers allow the brand to adjust and improve its strategy to better achieve its goals.

The open rate

This number designates the Number of people who opened the email. The calculation is based solely on the emails delivered.

According to a 2020 study by Campaign Monitor, the average open rate is around 17.8%. This number varies from sector to sector. The same study shows that the day and time of mailing also affect the open rate.

The first area to improve this indicator is to maintain titles. In addition, it is advisable to use paid news and offer quality content.

The deliverability rate

This is probably the first indicator that marketers keep an eye on. He reveals that Number of recipients who actually received the email in their inbox. This number does not include e-mails that end up in spam and incorrect addresses.

The average deliverability rate in 2020 is around 99.3%. That means the bounce rate is 0.7%. This other KPI shows the emails that didn’t reach their destination.

The deliverability rate allows the company to customize and regularly update the recipient list. A rate below 90% means that work needs to be done to engage the target groups on the website.

The open rate

This number means the number of people who opened the email. The calculation is based solely on the emails delivered.

The average open rate is around 17.8%. This number varies from sector to sector. The same study shows that the day and time of mailing also affect the open rate.

The first area to improve this indicator is to maintain titles. In addition, it is advisable to use paid news and offer quality content.

The churn rate

Maintaining this low interest rate is part of a long-term strategy for the brand. To achieve this, it must maintain the audience’s attention by varying the content. It is also possible to segment the target and use marketing automation tools. However, it is not recommended to remove the logout button. This practice encourages subscribers to put the email in the spam folder.

The click rate

The click-through rate or CTR in English refers to the Number of people who clicked a link in the email compared to the total number of data sent. Marketers use another similar indicator: le CTOR (click here to open price). The calculation is based on the number of emails opened.

Let’s take the example of a newsletter that was well sent to 100 people, 50 of whom opened the email. That means the open rate is 50%. However, only two people clicked on a link in the email. In this case, the CTR is 2% while the CTOR is 4% because the calculation is based on the 50 emails opened.

The exchange rate

According to a Barilliance study, the average conversion rate is around 15.11%. This indicator shows the effectiveness of the newsletter.

The conversion rate is the number of specific actions that the recipient carries out after interacting with a newsletter. This may be :

  • purchasing ;
  • a download of a white paper or other document;
  • Registration for an event etc.

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