Using Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing: Why and How?

Using Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing: Why and How?

The world of marketing is constantly evolving and with it also the tools used to achieve online growth objectives. In recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has been at the heart of this evolution, offering companies new opportunities to optimize their content marketing. In this article we will explore why and how to use artificial intelligence to develop content marketing effective and relevant.

Understand the interest of artificial intelligence in content marketing

To make the most of artificial intelligence and its tools for your content marketing, you must first understand its benefits and the scope of its action. Here is an overview:

  • Optimize your time (and your money): By automating some tasks related to content creation and distribution, artificial intelligence saves you time. For your part, you can fully concentrate on the more strategic or creative aspects. You can also reduce your content creation and distribution budgets to invest in other areas critical to your growth.
  • Content customization: Thanks to artificial intelligence, you can analyze a large amount of data about your customers and prospects: their preferences, their purchasing paths, their consumption habits. These refined portraits will then allow you to offer segmented and personalized content suitable for each consumer profile.
  • Predictive analytics: By studying past trends and behaviors, AI can predict future outcomes and anticipate customer needs. This gives you an edge so you can deliver more and more relevant content.
  • Improved content quality: AI can help you identify weaknesses or gaps in your existing content. Artificial intelligence thus makes it possible to make the necessary improvements: duration, added value, pleasantness, tone, etc.

How to use AI tools in your content marketing strategy? Example with HubSpot

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence stand out to you? Now is the time to find out how actually integrate it into your content marketing. By way of example and to illustrate our observations, we refer to the tool to generate intelligent content created by HubSpot.

Use artificial intelligence to automatically generate your omnichannel content

Use HubSpot AI for multi-level content marketing

HubSpot’s free AI content generator is designed to automatically generate texts and articles from pre-existing templates or data. This tool is especially useful for quickly producing simple content, such as product descriptions, blog posts, marketing emails, or social media posts.

Therefore, such an AI generator, capable of handling a large amount and variety of content, allows you to implement your multi-channel marketing strategy at scale, with great speed and at lower cost.

Using an AI tool to improve your copywriting

Use HubSpot AI-Powered Content Marketing Copywriting

Smart content writing software does more than just generate free content in minutes. Their production relies on good copywriting practices to generate attractive and compelling content. Catchy headline, punchy call-to-action, bottom line that hits the mark: AI is racking its brains to help you stand out and capture users’ attention.

Using artificial intelligence to find inspiration

Use content marketing AI to find HubSpot inspiration

Don’t want to delegate the creation of your content to AI? All of this is to your credit and, we remind you, it’s also important to maintain the humanity of your content.
However, you can use AI content marketing tools to give you a boost.

The content generator can then guide you on a topic, outline or main axis of a piece of content to make it easier for you, save you from blank page syndrome or low added value content.

Use smart copywriting software to proofread your content

Use Hubspot for proofreading AI-powered content marketing

The proofreading phase of a text is not necessarily the most exciting and easiest. On the web, hunting for typos or style errors is a real challenge. As a result, you can use AI tools to fix your marketing content. You can task intelligence to spot spelling errors, tone inconsistencies, lack of legibility, etc.

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Tips for making the most of AI in content marketing

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the marketing content writing process offers exciting opportunities. The potential is immense and must be fully exploited. Here are some tips for maximizing and expanding the use of AI in your content strategy:

  1. Write specific briefs: Before you start using AI to generate content, make sure you set your marketing goals, what topics you want to cover and from what angle. This will allow you to generate accurate suggestions for the AI ​​which will then help it generate a fair and relevant answer.
  2. Choose the right tools: Try different AI tools and evaluate their relevance to your goals and industry. However, make sure the platform offers customization options to fit the tone and style of your brand. Do not hesitate to try different solutions before making the final choice.
  3. Gradually integrate artificial intelligence into your strategy: Don’t try to revolutionize everything overnight. Start by integrating AI into a specific part of your content marketing, then expand its use as you see the benefits.
  4. Keep people at the heart of your strategy: Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool, but it cannot fully replace human creativity and intuition. Make sure you balance the use of AI with input from your team to ensure the quality and originality of your content. Also, we recommend that you always let a human hand write your introductions and conclusions. Similarly, provide yourself (or a member of your team) with final proofreading to ensure content quality, consistency, and accuracy.
  5. Use artificial intelligence for a personalized content marketing strategy: Artificial intelligence systems can analyze the preferences and behaviors of your audience on your social networks, on your website and anywhere on the web. Use this valuable information to personalize the content you share. Tailor your publications to the interests, pace of life and preferred language of your consumers.
  6. Use data to improve your content: Use the insights provided by artificial intelligence to identify pain points in your content marketing and make improvements. Artificial intelligence is also there to allow you to test different approaches and content formats with great ease: take advantage of it to adopt the “test and learn” and maximize your strategy.
  7. Delegate long and repetitive tasks: Artificial intelligence tools allow you to schedule and automate your publications on your website, blog, social networks or inbox. Create an editorial calendar and let artificial intelligence manage the automatic publishing and sending of content. In addition, AI tools can analyze consumers’ open, click, and connect habits to determine optimal posting and posting times.

3 more AI use cases for your content marketing

In addition to intelligent content generators, discover other artificial intelligence tools that will allow you to build an increasingly solid and impactful digital marketing strategy.

  1. AI tools for industry and competitive intelligence: AI can also help you keep up with emerging trends in your industry. Use AI tools to spot trending topics and adjust your content strategy accordingly. You can also use it to monitor your e-reputation (including quickly identifying inappropriate or negative comments about your brand).
  2. AI to generate automated responses: AI software is here to save you time and enrich your users’ online experience. Use its features to generate automated answers to frequently asked questions. For example, through chatbots that can provide 24/7 customer support.
  3. Artificial intelligence to increase your SEO score: Use AI tools to increase the visibility of your content. AI software can help you perform in-depth analysis on your website keywords, tags, and structure. Then, they can (re)write your SEO and user experience (UX design) texts to get them back in search engines.

And if you want to explore even more AI features, you’ll love these great use cases for ChatGPT.

By integrating artificial intelligence into the creation of your website, your emails, your blog articles or your social network posts, you can uniquely and quickly optimize your digital strategy. While using AI tools for your content marketing is a real boon, keep in mind that human oversight is still needed to maintain an embodied approach. This is what we also mention in our article on building a website with ChatGPT.

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