the prying eyes of July 3, 2023

–> The “Bring YouTube” revealed by Adalitic (see the account of events and reactions) had precedents, cited in connection.
– In May 2021, Check my ads and Adweek revealed that Youtube was running ads in media outlets convicted of Russian disinformation, including SouthFront and NewsFront, controlled by the FSB (Russian Security Service) that helped influence US elections.
– In April 2022, according to a Business Insider report: “Google placed advertisements on US Treasury-sanctioned sites” “Facebook, Citibank, or NBCUniversal then unknowingly funded sanctioned sites.”
– In July 2022, according to a ProPublica report, “Google didn’t stop a Russian advertising firm from collecting data for months.”
– In October 2022, a ProPublica report, again: “Google continued to place ads on a publication in Bosnia and Herzegovina for months, after the US government imposed its sanctions. Google only stopped funding “the personal media of a Serbian separatist policeman after he was contacted by Pro Publica. Applicable Sanctions and Trade Compliance Laws” and “We have reviewed the entities in question and have taken appropriate enforcement actions” (e.g. lib.)

–> LDR, Jean-Francois Pillou (formerly CCM, now Around Us) explains here : “Elon Musk cut access to Twitter API, developers are now sucking data into the wild, which puts Twitter servers down. Result: Limits the number of tweets read per day per user.”

–> Last Monday we went to USI, which was held for a day at the musée du quai Branly. A breath of fresh air. Closing Cyril Dio insisted on creating stories that make people want to fight climate change. She sent some scud to Total (whose CIO was supposed to be in the room) and amusingly said “I wonder if we really need a Gucci bag in the metaverse.” Similarly, shortly before, a specialist, Vincent Balusseau professor at the Audiencia, he points out what post by Mercedes Erra that the impact of the advert “Looks like the 2000s, in a pre-climate change world.” Mercedes is advised to read these materials for thinking about sobriety, from the institute of technology.

–> Dominique Schelcher, CEO of Système U, gets straight to the point in this post on Linkedin: “Despite all the calls in recent months, we can now say that there are no commercial renegotiations to take into account the downward trend in materials There are some discussions with the big brands but do not lead to much. And this, in contrast to last year, when the renegotiations were in full swing at the same time. Most of the big brands therefore their choice: no support for consumers in the face of price inflation consumer goods up 21% in two years, but strong defense of its margins volumes of big brands up 7.3% since the beginning of the year.” Système U, which is a cooperative, extends its anti-inflation basket until the end of the year and announces the reduction of the price of 300 daily U products whose raw material is declining.

–> AppleTV runs serial samples on Twitter. The operator has streamed the first episode of the Silo series online, in what promises to be a new practice by the entertainment giants. Much to Elon’s delight (see here)

–> Sandro Gianellaa former lobbyist for payment solution Stripe, announced Wednesday on his Twitter account his new role: he becomes Head of European Policy and Partnerships at Open AI.

–> Mary Schools cast the Mural of Skills. A fun and educational workshop co-signed with a group of business learning enthusiasts from major companies such as Société Générale, L’Oréal, Axa, Pernod Ricard France, Crédit Mutuel, Bpifrance, Docaposte and Metro France. The three-hour workshop (information here) enables teams to assess group competencies, evaluate peer learning, and set in motion to learn.


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