The most important key figures and analyzes in social media

The most important key figures and analyzes in social media


What to measure in social networks? There are some other important metrics on social media, some KPIs or performance indicators of our actions on social networks.

Conducting social media analytics is fundamental to evaluate our performance and determine if we are meeting targets What can we improve in our social media strategy?.

All social networks have analytics or insights that we need to review regularly to derive trends from that information.

The analysis of social networks it’s about that. Look at content trends, communities, engagement and clicks, etc. to see what we’re doing well and what we’re doing wrong.

The metrics on social media align with the goals we are tracking on social media.

When we have set some goals, the metrics and KPIs help us to assess whether we are achieving them or, on the contrary, whether we are failing at something within our social media strategy.

Measuring on social networks means comparing metrics and performance indicators, over time. We usually do this monthly and create a summary report.

Analyzing the key metrics of your social media strategy will help you figure out if you’re doing well or, on the contrary, if you need to refocus, modify or change your strategy to reach your target audience.

The most important key figures and analyzes in social media. #social networks #marketingonline Click here to tweet

What to measure in social networks?

1.- Followers (community growth)

One of the most important measurement variables is vision How do you increase your follower count on social media?.

It is a social media metric of great interest to see if we are reaching our audience on social networks.

I’m also telling you that you don’t have to be obsessed. Having fewer but more active followers is more important than having a lot of followers on social media and not letting them interact with our content.

What to measure:

  • Total volume of monthly followers on each social network.
  • Increase monthly followers on each of your social networks.

2.- Reach on social networks

Reach in social networks is another important key figureas it tells us if we are reaching more people.

The people who have seen our social media posts make up the reach. The measurement takes place for certain periods of time, usually monthly.

This is an important metric, especially when you’re starting out with your social networks.

The first thing you need to know is to be known, and reach metrics are crucial at this point. Are we reaching more public? On which networks?

A good way to achieve this is content in video format, especially now in vertical videos with Instagram or TikTok.

What to measure:

  • Monthly reach of our publications via social networks.
  • Increased reach through social networks during this period

3.- Impressions on social networks

How often is our content viewed on social networks? Another important metric on social media is impressions.

Impressions indicate the number of people who have seen our content.

The difference to reach is that impressions indicate the number of content views, while reach is typically higher. That means one person could see our content more than once.

What to measure:

  • Number of impressions in the period.
  • Increased impressions on every social network

4.- Share of Voice or Conversation Percentage

Within each professional sector, including on social networks, Some brands claim more interactions and conversations than others.

For example, among reform companies, some will have more “market share” on social media, others less. Ideally, our brand should gradually reach this quota.

He Share OfVoice It shows us what part of the sector we have in terms of social media conversation and what part the competition has and to what extent.

It is one of the most important metrics on social networks in terms of branding or brand image.

What to measure:

  • Measure our interactions and those of the competition.
  • Extract percentages to see over 100% what “share” we take on in social media conversations

5.- Engagement in social networks

Another essential indicator in social networks. Perhaps it’s one of the most frequently mentioned social media metrics: what if it goes up, what if it goes down, and what does that mean?

For example, the percentage of interactions we have in a month is divided by the reach in this period.

He engagement in social networks It measures the level of engagement our audience shows in relation to our content.

It shows the value of that engagement: if it’s higher, it means we’re growing in the interactions; On the contrary, when it goes down, it means that what we publish is not that interesting anymore compared to previous periods.

What to measure:

  • Preferences and dislikes.
  • Comments.
  • divided
  • Rescued.
  • Measure the scope over time.
  • Do the split and add up the interactions for total size over time.
  • Take out a percentage (%). It would be nice to have that number every month.

6.- Sentiment on social networks

One of the most prominent social media metrics is also “feel”.

Not all communities in social networks of all brands are positive and have positive interactions.

There are some brands where they are negativethat is, there is a bad Online brand reputationwhich is transmitted to social networks.

This uneasiness towards the brand is expressed in negative comments, the presence of trolls on social networks, etc.

The ideal is to cultivate a “positive vibe” towards the brand. If they are indifferent, it would be a “neutral feeling”. And as I said, there is also a “negative feeling”.

In this case, it’s good to keep a close eye on which profiles are commenting on what they’re saying and on which social networks they’re saying it.

What to measure:

  • View all comments on your posts by social network. Determine the mood of each of them and get percentages of the total comments.
  • Look at the negative interactions: it makes me sad, it makes me angry, it makes me laugh, etc. The same goes for the positive ones: I love it, I care.

7.- Conversions on social networks

At this point, when the brands are more developed and there is already greater brand awareness, We may measure other conversions, e.g. B. Web traffic and lead capture (emails, personal data) and sales.

Social media conversions are the single greatest interaction a user has with our brand. It indicates a higher level of loyalty to her.

Social media conversion converts a potential customer to a customer who has taken one of these actions with our brand from social media:

  • Click a link in a social media post.
  • Leave your email address in a text field of a social media ad.
  • Buy one of our products on Instagram.
  • Etc.

What to measure:

  • It determines web traffic conversions (clicks from social networks to the web and which social networks bring more traffic).
  • File downloads from a social network post on our website.
  • Leads captured on a landing page or our branded landing page.
  • Sales on social networks.


There are many other key figures in social networksBut these are the most important.

If you look closely, some are metrics that set comparative trends over time, others are KPIs, indicators, or numbers specific to a point in time.

Making your brand’s social media strategy work. You need to know what to measure, write down those indicators on a monthly basis, and get metrics that tell you about trends.

Getting more granular with this social network analysis work can help you improve your future social media content.

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