The 3 best Snapchat campaigns of 2023

The 3 best Snapchat campaigns of 2023

This year, I have a friend in communications and Metricool (the all-in-one online advertising and social media management tool) have teamed up to produce the white paper of the best social media campaigns for 2023. The idea? Combine our experience to bring you a true reference work, listing and analyzing the top social media trends of the past year.

Today we bring you a selection of three of the best Snapchat campaigns. Like LinkedIn, Twitch or Pinterest, the social network evolves at its own pace, thus cultivating its difference.

What about the rest of the social media planet? Instagram, THE leading social network in the eyes of community managers, is among the most used social platforms in 2023. This affirms its position alongside TikTok. And the two social networks are fighting a fierce battle to overcome each other. Whatever the case, it’s this duo that’s leading the way, leveraging short videos to attract advertisers’ favor. In addition to this, YouTube is perfecting its user experience by offering a variety of formats. Short films, lives, podcasts, long videos: these multifaceted experiences, very popular among users, represent a blessing for brands. Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), for their part, face an uncertain future, gradually losing the interest of brands.

Finally, as surprising as it may seem, “ new children » are starting to make a name for themselves. Although we thought that such competition could not leave room for emerging platforms, it turns out that one of them was able to make a difference… And it is none other than Discord! That’s why the platform includes our directory of the best social media campaigns of 2023!

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The 3 best Snapchat campaigns of 2023

Snapchat has always positioned itself as the ” anti-Instagram “. On this network, users are less interested in creating an image for themselves, preferring to communicate authentically with a smaller circle of acquaintances. And, above all, these shared moments are not intended to be aesthetically perfect, it is just We can also notice this by the fact that the app starts with the camera interface and not with a news feed. This is intended to encourage action rather than just passively consuming content. And although this positioning attracts younger generations en masse, Snapchat is not just a network for teenagers, since the average age of the French user is 35 years old.

Help brands create unique universes, Snapchat does not hesitate to maintain privileged relationships with them to better highlight its star technology, augmented reality. In this sense, in 2023 AR Shopping has once again been essential.

In some numbers:

  • 94% of young people between 15 and 24 years old are present on the platform.
  • 397 million daily active users worldwide
  • 28.8 million monthly active users in France

Snapchat – March 8, 8 women

International Women’s Day is March 8. Every year, on this occasion, many brands launch campaigns to show their respect for female personalities who have left their mark on History. Based on the observation that only 10% of the statues of personalities erected in France represent women, Snapchat decided, in 2023, to erect one in their honor. Using the filter “March 8, 8 women”, created for the occasion, the platform gave passers-by the opportunity to admire in virtual mode the representations of Simone Veil, Simone de Beauvoir, Joséphine Baker, Olympe de Gouges, Manon Tardon, Françoise de Graffigny, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun and Hubertine . Auclert. They were all visible in eight French cities, in augmented reality mode, thanks to a QR code placed at the location of the experience.

Photo credit: Snapchat

When it comes to implementing an AR campaign on social media, Snapchat is the benchmark! Therefore, it is logical that, as far as its own is concerned, the network offers these types of immersive experiences. On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2023, Snapchat dealt a hard blow, as it had just opened (in September 2022) its AR Studio. The operation required the platform teams to work for 3 months to develop the augmented reality filter. “March 8, 8 women”.

Photo credit: Snapchat

Orange – Notre Dame enlarged

On April 15, 2019, the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris was devastated by flames in a violent fire that would last almost fifteen hours. Four years after this disaster, Snapchat’s creative studio, Arcadia, and Orange decided to pay tribute to the monument. Thus, on May 16, 2023, it was revealed “Our Lady augmented”an experience that is part of the continuity of the collaboration established between Snapchat and Orange at the beginning of 2023. In the company of the history-loving influencer Nota Bene, the operator’s 5G clients I had the opportunity to discover the architectural evolution of the cathedral, from its square, through three periods that marked its history: the 13th, 20th and 21st centuries. Those who cannot attend will also be able to enjoy part of the experience directly and free of charge from their smartphone, anywhere in France.

Photo credit: Orange/Snapchat

“Our Lady augmented” is part of Snapchat’s goal to offer augmented reality experiences dedicated to culture, art and education. This experience allows visitors to the cathedral and Orange customers to discover the monument from an original angle and learn more about its history. It is accompanied by an immersion trip into the life of the monument proposed by the telephone operator to help finance the reconstruction works of Notre-Dame. By combining history, culture and support for national heritage, Snapchat and Orange sign a great initiative.

Photo credit: Orange/Snapchat

EDF – The virtues of energy sobriety

Following the wise advice of its agency Havas Media, EDF turned to Snapchat to raise awareness among the French about the measures they should take to control their energy consumption. A wise choice of social network, since Snapchat mainly attracts young people between 18 and 35 years old, an audience that is sometimes less receptive to ads distributed through more traditional means. Thus, from December 2022 to January 2023, thanks to augmented reality, with the lens “EDF sobriety”and based on questions and answers, users were able to learn more about the simple and useful actions to adopt on a daily basis to effectively manage their energy consumption.

Photo credit: EDF/Snapchat

The EDF campaign carried out with Snapchat was a great success among users of the social network. Knowing that it then had around 27 million unique monthly visitors (according to a study carried out by Médiamétrie), being able to convince the majority of them is even more rewarding for a company. In total, the lens enabled for the occasion, it has accumulated more than 22 million uses. No less than 7 million people were affected. Best of all, the campaign won the Gold award in the category. « Social & Influence – Experience » of the Digital Marketing Grand Prize, Twelfth Night.

Photo credits: EDF / Snapchat

Our white paper “The best social media campaigns 2023” It offers you, for each social network, an analysis of the best campaigns of the year selected by us.

To discover the best social media campaigns of 2023:

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