Summer 2023: new ways to travel

A few years ago traveling was a matter of leisure and entertainment. Today this act takes on a completely different connotation: ecological commitment, mental well-being, introspection, new lifestyles, etc. So many upheavals that pave the way for new challenges for professionals in the sector, who are called to adapt. Here are some must-haves:

  • Travel more responsibly : While transport accounts for almost 77% of the carbon footprint of the tourism sector in France (according to ADEME), more and more travelers are choosing a destination closer to home. The opportunity to get to know our regions better and, for those who choose France, to feed the local economy and create jobs in our area! For destinations that can be reached by train, you can opt for night trains. Since 2021, the SNCF has been offering trips to Nice, Tarbes, Lourdes or Vienne. No less than 10 additional lines will see the light of day by 2030, including the Paris-Berlin line.
    In terms of housing, eco-responsibility criteria are also growing: insulation, waste reduction, local products, eco-responsible cleaning products, water and heating savings, etc. Many start-ups have understood this, and are innovating to propose relevant solutions in a simple and fun way. Sweden is one of the most advanced countries in this area and offers many responsible travel formulas.
  • Slow down and take your time : Opting for less polluting modes of transport can’t be done without slowing down the pace, and that’s only for the better! In recent years, the trend has been towards disconnection, a return to nature and the essential. To recharge your batteries, there’s nothing like slowing down, observing your surroundings and immersing yourself in the landscapes. Stop hectic schedules, make way for enriching cultural and social experiences. The perfect opportunity to opt for the train journey and admire varied landscapes, but above all to discover a country in more depth.
  • Go on an adventure in a converted truck : The French are increasingly looking for escape and flexibility. For the more nomadic, traveling in a caravan, motorhome, van, truck or van can have many advantages. It really is the way to move at your own pace, thinking about yourself and saving money. Without forgetting the advantage of living in the heart of nature, or even getting away from the beaten track and tourist areas. Breath of fresh air guaranteed!
  • Bring your pets with you : ROVER, the world’s largest network of pet sitters and dog walkers, surveyed pet owners to learn more about planning their vacation. So, rather with or without their hairballs? The results speak for themselves: for 91% of those interviewed, a successful family holiday necessarily includes the animals of the tribe. 33% are even anxious about leaving without them. Therefore, when it comes to choosing a destination, their decision is strongly influenced by the acceptability of animals in accommodation (for 54% of them) or by the type of activities and trips to be carried out during the stay. . However, 73% of respondents still find it difficult to find accommodation that accepts a pet! Numbers that reaffirm the unavoidable question of the flexibility of brands in the sector on this issue.

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