Strike at the JDD: a bill to ensure editorial independence The Media Leader

In the context of the crisis in the Sunday newspaper’s editorial office, which has been on strike since June 22nd, PS Senator David Assouline has presented a bill supported by the Socialist Group.
This draft law is intended to guarantee “the independence of the editorial team”.

“A medium is not a company like any other: it is a company that produces a public good, namely information,” emphasized the Paris senator.
He later added: “Journalists must enjoy special protections that allow them to inform us with complete freedom” and “the law must guarantee them the right to choose the director or head of their editorial office.”

Journalists must enjoy special protections that allow them to inform us freely
David Assouline

David Assouline therefore proposes making the granting of press subsidies and the allocation of audiovisual frequencies conditional on journalists having the right to veto the election of the information director.
Specifically, according to the proposed text, journalists must approve the appointment of the editor-in-chief by a qualified majority, with a participation rate of at least 50%.

Four articles

The bill consists of four articles that oppose the proposal depending on the type of media (printed press, terrestrial TV channels and private radio stations, radio and television services distributed over non-Hertzian networks, public audiovisual companies).

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