Solidarity financing: a popular act of commitment

Supporting causes that are close to our hearts often involves a financial contribution. To enable the French to support a solidarity project (with social or environmental impact), FAIR wants to highlight an often misunderstood means of action: solidarity funding. There are several ways to do this: save through your company, through your bank or mutual insurance company, or invest directly in the capital of a solidarity society.

Solidarity financing will continue to grow in 2022

The results of the barometer published last June are encouraging for solidarity financing: despite the health crisis and a particular financial environment, the sector remains attractive. In 2022, the outstanding amount of cumulative solidarity savings will reach 26.3 billion euros, an increase of 7.37% in one year. The solidarity financings implemented during the year amounted to 841.5 million euros, 22% more than in the previous year. These investments have thus made it possible to support more than 1,590 projects with a social or environmental impact: high social housing, access to employment or health, support to farmers and organic farming, supply of households with renewable electricity, etc. .

A label to differentiate Impact products

The Finansol label managed by FAIR enables the general public to distinguish solidarity savings products from traditional savings products. The result is more trust and transparency for all stakeholders in solidarity financing. The label, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last March, is constantly evolving to adapt to industry practices.

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