Snapchat: What does Snapcode added mean and how does someone add you?

Snapchat: What does Snapcode added mean and how does someone add you?

What does it mean added by Snapcode

One of the things that made Snapchat so different from other social networks is the fact that you can add your friends and build a community through quite unique methods.

While on Facebook or Instagram the only way to follow someone or add them as your friend is to search for them and choose “Add Friend” or “Follow”, on Snapchat there are many other ways to create a friend list.

And the most interesting is the Snapcode. In today’s article we’ll answer questions like what is a Snapcode, what does added by Snapcode mean, how can someone add you via Snapcode, and how can someone get your Snapcode.

So let’s take it one by one:

  1. What is a Snapcode?
  2. What does Added by Snapcode mean?
  3. How do I find my Snapcode?
  4. How does someone add you via Snapcode?
  5. How can someone I don’t know add me via Snapcode?
  6. How do you stop being added to Snap by random people?

Added by Snapcode Meaning

1. What is a Snapcode?

A Snapcode is a unique dotted-style image that works like a QR code that you can scan in the Snapchat app to reveal new features. Its purpose is to streamline the process of adding friends, as well as access exclusive content, unlock filters and achievements, and connect to websites. The feature was added in 2015.

2. What does Added via Snapcode mean?

When someone adds you via Snapcode on Snapchat, it means they have access to your unique Snapcode that they scanned into the app. This can be done in your presence by scanning your Snapcode directly with their phone or from a saved image of your Snapcode which they then scan in the app.

3. How do I find my Snapcode?

When you open Snapchat, your Snapcode will be visible in the upper left corner, in the form of a yellow square dotted with your profile picture in the center. When you tap it, you can choose to share your Snapcode or share your profile link, which does the same thing, or save it to your camera roll.

And on the desktop? How do I find my Snapcode on my desktop?

On your desktop, log in to, choose “My Snapcode” and then “Download Snapcode”.

4. How does someone add you via Snapcode?

There are two ways someone can add you via Snapcode:

  1. In person – if they are next to you, they can scan your Snapcode directly with their phone. They should point their Snapchat camera at it, hold down on the screen, scan, and tap the “Add Friend” button.
  2. By saving and scanning your shared Snapcode. They can do this from “Add Friends,” found on their profile page, or by clicking the “+human” icon located in the top right corner of the Snapchat camera. Then tap the little ghost icon to the right of the “Find Friends” search box. Your camera roll will appear. Tap a photo with a Snapcode to add a friend.

Then, wait for your friend to add you again. Remember, sometimes you may not be able to send Snaps to a friend unless they add you again.

Snapchat support appears to have outdated information about Snapcodes. They suggest going to your profile, tapping the Settings cogwheel icon and then choosing “Snapcodes,” but right now there’s no “Snapcodes” in Settings.

5. How did someone I don’t know add me via Snapcode?

Are random people adding you on Snapchat, especially via Snapcode? How does someone get your Snapcode if they don’t know you and you haven’t shared it with them?

There are three ways people can add you via Snapcode without you sharing your code directly with them:

  1. If you posted your Snapcode image on a blog or in a public place. Anyone who sees your Snapcode image can scan it into the app and find you.
  2. Whether people you know have shared your Snapcode with others. All your Snapchat friends have access to your Snapcode and can share it with anyone they want.
  3. If your Snapcode has been scammed. Believe it or not, there are bots out there that can generate QR codes and it can happen that you stumble upon yours by accident.

Which brings us to the next question:

6. How do you stop being added to Snap by random people?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to avoid it completely, but here are some ways to protect your account from random people adding you on Snapchat. Go to Settings -> Privacy Controls and do these three things:

  1. Tap “Contact Me” and tick the “Friends” or “Friends and Contacts” option. so that only your friends can contact you directly.
  1. Then go to “See you in Quick Add” and uncheck the box there. The app uses Quick Add to make it easier for Snapchatters to find mutual friends or other connections, so if you don’t want friends of friends looking for you, you can opt out.
  1. Go to “See my location” and turn on “Ghost Mode”. Really no one on Snapchat needs to know your location, and with bots and all kinds of malicious people on the prowl, it’s better to be safe than sorry and not share your location with anyone.

And of course, as with any other social media app, you can always block someone who’s bugging you.

Pretty easy, right? I hope this article clarified the added meaning of snapcode for you. Don’t forget to share it with your Snapchat friends so you can all have fun and stay safe on Snapchat!

See also: How to Use Snapchat Filters?

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