Jalios is a French collaborative platform publisher whose mission is to make organizations more efficient and everyone’s work more fulfilling. Jalios is used by more than 450 customers and 2.1 million users for their Intranet, Digital Workplace or Extranet portals. The solution helps you unite, build commitment, share information and organize collaborative work. Anchored in the daily lives of employees, the solution addresses HR issues related to employee experience, while serving as a governance lever for the IT department.

Hoang-Anh PHAN – Marketing Director chez Jalios
Why did you choose to do this job?
I wasn’t destined for a career in marketing at all. I’m basically a telecommunications engineer, with a specialization in artificial intelligence and human-machine interface. I started at Jalios as a pre-sales person because I wanted to continue helping transform organizations from the inside out through tools. Collaboration, community leadership, unleashing the potential of organizations are topics that fascinate me in the continuity of my previous roles (agile coach, creation of a fablab, etc.). I evolved as a CMO to be able to develop the company at a more strategic level: marketing is even more fundamental when doing SaaS, but also affirming the company vision, developing transversality, etc.
How does Jalios strive to create value through electronic document management?
Jalios’ mission is to make the organization more efficient and everyone’s work more fulfilling. It means reconciling the individual and the collective by bringing out the convergence of the two. Happy employees are more productive. Therefore, being more efficient is more rewarding for the individual and is one of the best performance levers for the organization. With its “Digital Workplace for all”, accessible to everyone, at any time and on all devices, Jalios allows employees, above all, greater flexibility to better reconcile their professional and personal lives.
Jalios’ DNA is profoundly human and is the heart of collaborative platforms to multiply these human bonds thanks to digital technology to share information, knowledge and create value together. Jalios also gives teams the means to organize themselves better. Investing in a good digital workplace is like investing in good equipment to provide good working conditions. Investing in a good Intranet means investing in the leadership of your middle management, to successfully motivate and give meaning.
How do you help your partners develop their business in collaboration with you?
In the Jalios ecosystem there are 3 types of partners. Integrators who provide know-how and proximity to our customers, publishers whose solutions integrate with Jalios, and consultants who support change and maximize uses and benefits. Each partner brings skills that are often complementary and which determine the success of Jalios projects. Furthermore, the technical base of the solution offers a complete and extensible development environment that our partners know how to use very well. Some are now publishing applications in our Marketplace. Jalios is banking on the collective growth of this ecosystem of nearly 80 partners to respond to the growing challenges of digital transformation, particularly in terms of sovereignty, to always offer alternatives and enable our customers to choose.
How do you see your work/missions with your current and future clients…in 5 years?
With the development of artificial intelligence, the profession will increasingly resemble programming. It will be even more important to understand what makes us human. Carrying forward values and finding meaning in our actions, asking the right questions for responsible marketing and communication.
Heart attack
What’s your favorite ad: Le Parisien – 2006 – “It’s worth having the Parisian in the newspaper”
Your favorite book: “Reinventing the organization” – Frédéric Laloux
Your favorite music: “Distance” – Thylacine
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