Open the Terms of Service in a popup with WooCommerce @ WordPress Help

Open the Terms of Service in a popup with WooCommerce @ WordPress Help

Today I want to share it with you A trick that can improve your ecommerce salesand lose less under the problem of abandoned carts in an online store with WooCommerce.

What is an online store’s terms and conditions page?

While the terms and conditions page is confusing for many people, It has nothing to do with the privacy policy or cookiesis a specific legal site and Mandatory in all e-commerce and sometimes other types of websites.

You will not find and should not use the “Type” of Terms of Service page or templatewell, that It must be adapted to the specific e-commerce to which it refers, although they usually contain fixed sections:

  • Description of the company and its managers.
  • purpose of the site.
  • Information about the products and their types.
  • Pricing Policy, Taxes and Fees.
  • Explanation of the payment methods.
  • Shipping Terms.
  • return policy.
  • Right of withdrawal.

At least this and always recommended by an e-commerce legal specialist.

Where does the link to the terms and conditions page need to be created and displayed?

If you’re using WordPress and WooCommerce, installing WooCommerce creates a sample terms and conditions page, but that doesn’t really help, so you should discard it, and Create your own for your business.

Woocommerce terms and conditions page

The process is simple:

  1. Create a new page and write and post the various sections and commitments of a Terms and Conditions page.
  2. In the WooCommerce settings and in the customizer’s checkout settings, select the created terms and conditions page.

Here are the steps visually…

This will already display the link to your Terms and Conditions page on the checkout page of your online store.

The problem of linking to the terms and conditions

Link Terms and Conditions Woocommerce

We will agree The most delicate, sensitive and dangerous moment for an e-commerce is the checkout page, the payment. It’s that moment in the entire sales funnel when nothing can and must go wrong.

The moment when your customer is about to pay for the order of your products You must avoid any distraction and most importantly any link that takes the customer away from the page that is so vital to the survival of your business.

No matter how much you customize the checkout page There is a link that by default takes the customer away from the page, and above that is a link connected to a mandatory checkbox: acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Of course we have the same issue with the privacy page link, but at least in this case it isn’t connected to a mandatory checkbox, so most users aren’t enticed/guided/encouraged to click it.

The link will open the Terms and Conditions page in a new browser tab (so far so good, at least), but the damage is done, because on a desktop computer, the client can get confused and On a mobile device, you kicked your customer straight from the payment page.

How is this fixed?

How to avoid distractions on the checkout or checkout page

There are many techniques we can use to avoid distractions when our customers are on the payment page in the last step of a purchase and get them to complete the purchase:

  • Remove all common links from layout: header, menus, footer links, sidebar, widgets, etc.
  • Add a chat to answer any customer questions at the time of payment.
  • Offer enough payment options to allow the customer to complete the purchase regardless of their online payment preferences.
  • Clear and non-abusive shipping costs.

For this, there are the best WordPress themes for online stores, such as Astra or Divi, which make it easier to get rid of distracting elements, being able to do without headers, menus and even footers, and we’ve gained a lot with that.

And what about the link to the terms and conditions?

Unfortunately, to this day, or as far as I know, There is no theme that offers the possibility to improve this problem with the new tab link in the terms and conditionsbut since it is fortunately such an important issue, There are several plugins that help us fix this error.

All these plugins solve the problem in the same way: Make sure the Terms of Service link displays its content without exiting the checkout pagein a pop-up window, within the payment page, in one pop upas it is commonly called.

How to open the terms and conditions in a pop-up window

Now, given the solution, let’s see what are the plugins that can help us solve this problem…

Woocommerce checkout terms and conditions popup

This free plugin allows you to open the link to the terms and conditions in the payment in a new window, configure the appearance of the window, the buttons and texts and even add a button to print the page.

It works perfectly. Yes indeed, You have to configure the styles of the buttons to your liking because by default they are really uglybut it will only take a while.

BeRocket WooCommerce Terms and Conditions popup

This other plugin, also freeoffers practically the same as the previous one, you can…

  • Customize the appearance and text of all buttons.
  • Add a button to print or save the terms as PDF.
  • Apply custom CSS.
  • Block payment page scrolling to avoid usability issues while the pop-up window is visible.
  • Apply a timer to the popup.
  • That the pop-up window will be closed when the end of the document is reached.
  • Choose from multiple popup layout templates that add a blur effect to the background based on the template you choose.
  • Add extensions, some as interesting as Concatenate, which opens in the same pop-up window, merged with the Privacy and Terms pages.

Yes, the interface is much more user-friendly and smooth provides pop-up templatessome really striking.

At the end, the link to the Terms and Conditions (and the Privacy Policy) will open in a nice pop-up window, with some interesting extras, as I explained to you, and all without having to change any of the text.

Yith WooCommerce Terms and Conditions popup

This is the only one paid plugin from this list and offers practically the same as what we have seen before, in fact the same, except for some aspects that you may decide to choose it.

The settings offer everything that BeRocket offers, including the possibility to integrate the privacy policy link as well, but also some interesting design changes, such as …

  • General terms and conditions and data protection texts together or in separate sections.
  • Accept the terms and privacy policy together or separately.

On the other hand, templates are not offered, but you can customize the appearance of the window and buttons. Everything else is broadly the same possibilities.

Overall, the result is very satisfactory.

yith woocommerce terms and conditions popup

Now the plugin has a little bug like…

  • The links to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy change position on the payment page, which can be confusing.
  • Some placeholders in the settings are incorrect and not displayed correctly, for example the link to the privacy page.

For the rest, it works wonderfully once these small bugs are fixed.

Which one is better?

Without a doubt, the free one from BeRocket has everything you need, besides it’s very practical windows, you can integrate both links, customize the appearance and on top of that it’s free, what else do you want?

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