Melanie Deziel on Content as Evidence for Ignite USA

Melanie Deziel on Content as Evidence for Ignite USA

StoryFuel Chief Content Officer Melanie Deziel has new insights into the frontiers of B2B marketing, and we're sharing them here.

With B2B Ignite USA 2023 just around the corner in Chicago on May 23-24, we wanted to get some of the latest B2B marketing insights from Melanie Deziel, Chief Content Officer at StoryFuel, who will be making a new presentation on “ Using Content as Evidence of Your Most Important Claims” during the event.

B2B Ignite USA 2023 features a powerful selection from 40+ leading B2B marketing thought leaders, including our very own CEO, Lee Odden, who will present “The New Frontier of B2B Influence: Inside Out” over two packed days of inspiring keynote, interactive workshops and discussion boards, all contained within five content streams, as well as the event’s Elevation Awards.

Melanie Deziel discusses the new frontiers in B2B marketing

Our own Director of Agency Marketing, Katelyn Drake, sought Melanie’s opinion on some of the top B2B marketing topics coming to the fore this year.

Katelyn started by asking Melanie, “What’s one of the new frontiers in B2B marketing that marketers should be focusing on in 2023?”

“We will continue to hear a much about AI in the coming months, and I urge B2B marketers to take a measured approach,” Melanie shared.

“As marketers – and the world at large – learn how best to use these tools, how to think about them ethically, and how they may or may not meaningfully contribute to our work, it’s wise to be cautious and not panic. Take the time to fully explore the tools before making any major changes to the processes,” she added.

“We’ll continue to hear a lot about AI in the coming months, and I urge B2B marketers to take a measured approach.” — Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Click here to tweet

We also took the opportunity to get a glimpse of some of the topics Melanie will be speaking on during Ignite USA 2023.

Ask: What can we look forward to when you present at Ignite USA?

“I look forward to helping audiences unleash their creativity with systems that will enhance and focus their content operations,” Melanie remarked.

She also took the time to explain how B2B marketers can build trust and increase authenticity.

Ask: With the advent of AI in content creation, how can marketers prove authenticity and build trust with their buyers?

“In the age of AI, it’s becoming increasingly important to provide evidence for your claims,” ​​Melanie said.

“Consumer skepticism has been growing steadily over the past few years, and I imagine we will see an even greater rise in consumer skepticism and doubt as AI becomes more integrated into our lives. Identify the business claims you are making and the expectations you are setting, and aim to create content that validates and demonstrates their truth, as well as content that educates your audience as to the meaning of the claim in the first place.” added her.

Authenticity in B2B is a topic that our own Theresa Meis recently explored in 3 Key Ways Authenticity In B2B Writing Helps Solve People Problems.

“Identify the business claims you are making and the expectations you are setting, and aim to create content that validates and demonstrates their truth.” — Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Click here to tweet

Katelyn was also curious about Melanie’s take on making the most of the increasing number of in-person events that are returning.

Ask: Now that we are in post-Covid times, what advice do you have for attendees to get the most out of face-to-face meetings?

“To get the most out of the conference, be sure to walk the exhibit halls to meet with sponsors and attend networking sessions and events so you can maximize the conversations,” suggested Melanie.

“To get the most out of the conference, be sure to walk the exhibit halls to meet with sponsors and attend networking sessions and events so you can maximize the conversations.” — Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Click here to tweet

We looked at some of the many additional ways B2B marketers can learn from in-person and other types of events in In-Person, Virtual, and Hybrid: How to Get the Most Out of B2B Marketing Events.

We were also curious about how B2B marketers are thriving and thriving, even when challenged to do more with less during uncertain economic times.

Ask: There is a lot of talk about uncertainty in the market. What advice do you have for marketers who are being asked to do more with less?

“Marketers never have the budget they want, or the team size, or the skills and tools, but we always find creative ways to fill those gaps and get important work done,” Melanie noted.

“Keep finding creative solutions to resource constraints and prioritizing work that resonates over sheer volume of work,” she added.

“Continue to find creative solutions to resource constraints and prioritize work that resonates over sheer volume of work.” — Melanie Deziel @mdeziel Click here to tweet

Hear more from Melanie Deziel at B2B Ignite USA 2023

Many thanks to Melanie for taking the time to share her latest take on the issues B2B marketers are increasingly facing in 2023 and a glimpse of what’s to come.

Visit the event website to learn more about the B2B Ignite USA 2023 conference, May 23-24 in Chicago, and “Where to Discover the New Frontiers of B2B Marketing at Ignite USA.”

We hope to see you in person at an outstanding event, including Melanie’s must-see session.

Be on the lookout for additional coverage of B2B Ignite USA 2023 leading up to and during the event, and be sure to follow the #B2BIgniteUSA Hashtags for more information.

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