Man vs. machine and the future of content for B2B marketing

Man vs. machine and the future of content for B2B marketing

Next week TopRank Marketing goes abroad. The first stop is Paris for the BtoB Summit Paris 2023.

This isn’t our CEO Lee Odden’s first time performing in France, but it will be his first appearance on a big stage there and we just hope he brushes up on his French.

The BtoB Summit is a premier industry event and the perfect conference for global B2B marketers who want to learn more about B2B marketing and strategy. The summit will feature expert-led sessions, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and workshops focused on B2B content marketing, influencer marketing, and more.

Lee is one of the keynote speakers and will be giving a talk on Human vs. Machine: The Future of B2B Content Marketing:

The world of B2B content marketing is at a crossroads: how do we balance artificial intelligence with authentic inspiration? Not since the advent of the internet itself has so many innovations (and hypes) caught the attention of marketers as generative AI has. This keynote presentation explores how to navigate this future landscape by combining the power of Gene AI with the unique insights and emotional intelligence that only humans can provide. Key findings include:

  • Identifying opportunities for AI integration into your content marketing process
  • Tactics for maintaining authentic, actionable content in an AI-dominated landscape
  • Examples of successful human-machine collaboration in B2B content marketing

The BtoB Summit provides an excellent opportunity to have meaningful conversations with industry leaders, discuss best practices and strategies, and gain valuable insights on how to succeed in the increasingly competitive B2B space. Attendees will be introduced to cutting-edge technologies and learn about the latest trends in content creation, receive advice on how to use influencer marketing for business growth, and discover ways to increase visibility and engagement.

The summit will also feature roundtables, bringing together B2B marketers from around the world to collaborate and share their experiences. This is a great opportunity for professionals to connect with other B2B markers, make meaningful connections, discuss the latest industry news and build valuable relationships within the industry.

If you’re in the region, there’s still time to register and meet TopRank Marketing in person. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in B2B marketing and take your business to new heights! The BtoB Summit Paris 2023 promises to be an event you won’t soon forget.

And don’t forget: “Boost the marketing at this great event.”

BtoB Summit Paris 2023 Lee Odden keynote image

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