With its new “Special Bac” offer, the Figaro group intends to allow first and last year students to “inform themselves to be successful”. An operation that falls within the CSR approach and the social commitment of the newspaper.
On Monday 4 September, the day the school year begins, Le Figaro will launch an unprecedented operation by offering a free “special Bac” subscription, an offer intended for all young people in their first and last year who will take the Bac. It will give them access to all Le Figaro online content.
This operation is part of the Figaro Group’s global CSR approach, which is based on three pillars: social, environmental and social. In this logic, Le Figaro sets itself the ambition of “promoting knowledge and responsibility”, whose first challenge is to “promote access to information, culture and knowledge for all”. Le Figaro, a leading news media, fulfills this mission by facilitating high school students’ access to quality content written by all of its journalists. To register, all you have to do is send your identity card and school certificate via email.
At the beginning of the school year, a campaign will be launched on “social networks” to raise awareness of this “special Bac” offer. Communication channels (displays, social networks, PR, emails and events) will also be created through the group’s media, Le Figaro Étudiant and Campus Channel. The “Speciale Bac” season tickets will also be offered to visitors to the 4 Figaro Étudiant fairs, organized from September to December 2023.
“Faced with the proliferation of information sources and ‘fake news’, hyper-connected young people all too often suffer from exposure to unverified and under-requested content. However, it needs to be enlightened on all current issues, economic issues, culture, history… The Figaro Group is committed to facilitating the widest possible access to its contents, in this crucial phase of high school life. By allowing these young people to “inform themselves to be successful”, Le Figaro will help each of them to better find their own path and their own path towards the world of work. » – Marc FEUILLÉE, Chief Executive Officer and Aurore DOMONT, Director of Engagement and CSR