Keywords for a resume that should not be missing

Keywords for a resume that should not be missing

Keywords for a resume

To stand out from the crowd it is essential to include keywords in your resume that are appropriate and catch the attention of recruiters.

In this post I will tell you what are the essential keywords that should not be missing from your resume, as they could open doors to the job market. This way, you can increase the interest of these companies in hiring you.

Work experience

  1. Project management
  2. Team leadership
  3. Remote team management
  4. Strategy development
  5. Process optimization
  6. Achievement of objectives
  7. Budget management
  8. Problem resolution
  9. Interdepartmental collaboration
  10. Event planning
  11. Continuous improvement

Personal skills

  1. Self-taught
  2. Empathy
  3. Resolute
  4. Effective communication
  5. Teamwork
  6. Conflict resolution
  7. Adaptability
  8. Creativity
  9. decision making
  10. Data-driven decision making
  11. taking the initiative
  12. Professional ethics
  13. Organization
  14. Analytical thinking
  15. Stress management
  16. Time management

Training and certifications

  1. Degree
  2. Masters or postgraduate
  3. Relevant certifications
  4. Training courses
  5. Conferences and seminars
  6. Participation in academic projects
  7. Scholarships and awards
  8. Academic publications
  9. Investigation
  10. Additional languages

Results and recognitions

  1. Quantifiable results
  2. Professional recognition
  3. Awards and distinctions
  4. Increase in income
  5. Cost reduction
  6. Successful projects
  7. Increased productivity
  8. Featured Contributions
  9. Relevant publications
  10. Voluntary work

Where to include these keywords in your resume?

The keywords I mentioned above should be included strategically in different sections of your resume to maximize their impact, such as in professional summary or profile, work experience, personal skills, education or achievements.

For example, a good use of these keywords could be the following:

  • Managed an annual budget of €500,000, ensuring efficient spending and achievement of objectives financial.
  • I collaborated with the sales team of process optimization of lead generation, which resulted in a 25% increase in the acquisition of new customers.

Finally, if you want to continue trying to make your resume more attractive, you might be interested in reading our guide on what to put on a resume.

And for you, what worked best?

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