Inspirations and tricks from the We Are COM team

Inspirations and tricks from the We Are COM team

The We Are COM team is convinced of this, creativity is endless. 🤓 And Maya Angelou, an eminent American scholar, goes in this direction by stating that ” You can’t run out of creativity. The more you use it, the more you have. »

How to stay original and inspired? What are the essential methods and techniques for communicators to think outside the box? How can we remain open to this multitude of possibilities that creativity offers us? Here are our recommendations.

🚀🚀 And to go even further, immerse yourself in the inspiring report of the Club We Are COM workshop, special creativity!

#1 – Monitoring and research

A sense of observation and curiosity are essential to stay creative. It is by looking at what is happening around us, directly inspired by other creative minds, that we are able to strengthen our inventiveness. In terms of inspiration, here’s our little communication panel.

King of burgers

The fast-food chain is a reference in terms of creativity. 🍔 All his communications testify to it. Browsing the news often, Burger King campaigns are always friendly, fun and relevant.

During the health crisis, the brand has encouraged orders from its competitors. As for the employer brand, it has decided to respond to negative customer reviews. More recently, it rebounded on the coronation of King Charles. We watch !


📢 On the occasion of its fifth anniversary, the French brand specializing in employee experience has chosen to ask future workers, who are still 5 years old, to comment on the future of work. This cool and kinky video it reminds us that even B2B can be ultra-creative.


The Toulon real estate agency hacked real estate listing sites, posting imaginary and magical offers. 🏰 Who wouldn’t dream of owning Cinderella’s castle or a gingerbread house? These friendly text ads were meant to generate clicks and advertise the real goods offered for sale by iBox. It’s a wonderful way to stand out, at a time when commercial solicitations are permanent.



For several years, the platform has been playing on the data of its users. This creative concept, initially B2C, became B2B when Spotify decided to create customized playlists, intended for targeted marketing managers. 🥁 These playlists, based on already existing data, also included songs with meaningful titles and unique tracks designed by AI.

Interestingly, data can also be an excuse for even more creativity.



In terms of sponsorship and engagement, Orange has inspired us this year. To combat sport-related prejudices, the partner company of the French women’s soccer team has innovated by sharing a video edited with AI. The idea was to present the best actions of female soccer players by replacing their heads with those of their male counterparts. ⚽️ Results? Inequality is denounced and makes people react.


The movie La Barbie is creating a stir and many brands are sailing on this event. The idea that caught our attention was that of Airbnb, which he organized a contest to win a weekend at Barbie’s real home in Los Angeles. 💅 It’s by hijacking the promotional codes of an iconic brand and cinematic news that the rental company talks about it.



Finally, even the events are creative, especially with this restaurant launched by Netflix, whose menu is directly inspired by the dishes seen in the series on the platform. 🍝 It’s a way to transpose the virtual experience into a real experienceoffering fans the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of their favorite characters.


#2 – Mind maps

Mind mapping is a visual representation technique to be carried out, alone or with others, in three phases.

  • Start by pointing to your topic of reflection in the center of a piece of paper and list it at random some idea arising from this topic.
  • Second, classify these ideas in such a way as to bring out the major themes. It is interesting to observe that the creative concepts that will emerge from this reflection are generally not the ones you would have bet on in the first place.
  • Finally, and this is the most crucial step, create ramifications between these concepts. What ideas emerge from the classical thought pattern? Too often our reflection is vertical, while with mind maps it is built on multiple dimensions.
mind mapping method

#3 – Edward de Bono hats

Finally, do you know the 6 hats technique developed by psychologist Edward de Bono? This very structuring method of brainstorming can be integrated into classic mind mapping, giving it a more global vision.

Alone or in company, it will be enough for you to distribute 6 hats, which allow you to do thislearn your topic of reflection in 6 different ways. Everyone takes turns wearing one of these hats and sticking to their own specific way of thinking. The yellow hat must reflect through the prism of the optimist. Red, on the other hand, has to rely on emotion. While black will only focus on obstacles, etc.

Finally, this The intensive brainstorming technique stimulates creativity by encouraging participants to borrow new thought patterns.

Method of the 6 hats

🤓 Read on for the best creative ways to stay inspired and succeed, here!

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