I have a plan: why does this podcast work and how do they make money?

I have a plan: why does this podcast work and how do they make money?

I have a plana podcast of Sergio Begueria Yes Juan Domingueztwo friends from Zaragoza who started a small studio with a investment of just over €4,000 to create cinematic quality interviews.

Lighting, cameras, a small storage room with studio and recording decor. Since this podcast is not just audio, you can also watch it on YouTube or Spotify itself.

From I have a plan I was fascinated by your episode with the psychiatrist Doctor de la Gándara. The first thing this chapter has is a title that hooks:

They also have interviews with many influencers who sell their courses online be like them with advice like getting up at 5am, visualizing what you want, and dating successful people not people like you. You laugh too, I once heard a trainer let’s say he practiced lovemaking without ejaculating and I think he was serious.

I have already listened to some chapters and will continue to do so, because they are very entertaining and give you a lot of advice that can go very well in your everyday life and also in the world of digital entrepreneurship.

And how create a podcast and monetize it it is a form of power live with an online businessI’ll pass you the bombing I have a planwhich already has more than 200,000 subscribers and according to one of its chapters They managed to earn €16,530 in the first 5 months (right now they will earn much more).

I’m analyzing you Why is this podcast successful?how they earn and how you too could earn one with little investment.

I have a plan and related marketing strategy

If there’s one thing these guys have worked well on, it’s marketing, especially on social networks.

Divide the episodes and share them on social networks

They break each episode into small vertically edited snippets with captivating subtitles to consume on Instagram, Facebook TikTok and Youtube Shorts and thus engage potential followers with the most interesting and entertaining clips.

These clips also carry inviting titles clickbaitthat hook and that their consumers will then go to see the full chapter.

Editing is key in this podcast, with a very dynamic pace thanks to the fact that it is recorded with several cameras.

They attract the audience of their interviewees

Another of the great advantages of creating a podcast and which they use very well is that you also make yourself known by the followers that the interviewees already have.

In many cases Sergio Beguería and Juan Dominguez have managed to interview influencers with millions of followers, as in the case of the controversial damn coach Amadeo Llados who accumulates hundreds of thousands of followers.

Catchy headlines and social media organization

But if there’s anything that really works about podcasts, as with everything done on the Internet today, it’s an attention-grabbing headline, as I’ve already pointed out.

Every title of his podcasts makes you want to click through to see his interviews. Returning to the previous example, it is not the same thing to put a title ie Interview with the psychiatrist the Doctor of the Gandara What Because 97% of the population isn’t really happy.

And organization is also essential, they have published the podcast on all possible channels: YouTube, Spotify, iVoox… and on all of them you can find perfectly organized content.

If you want too create a podcastI hope you take note of all this, because later I will also explain as you could post yours too on all these platforms.

how he earns I have a plan

S visits to Youtube and affiliated productsThey have also earned thousands of euros a month from their guests.

If we go to the description of any of his podcasts on YouTube, you can find the referral links with which they generate revenue.

Affiliation of people who sell courses

This is the main monetization option they have chosen and explains all the logic in the world. It is convenient for respondents to get known and receive commissions for the sale of their courses.

An example. they interview Charles Galan who has a course how to achieve financial freedom by buying cheap apartments.

In the description of the interview you can find the reference links to access more comprehensive training and if you end up buying training from Carlos, they take their commission.

Sometimes there are courses that exceed €1,000 and believe me there are those who pay for them and the commissions can even reach 50%.

Affiliates of other products

In many of its chapter descriptions we can find other affiliate links such as the Audible Free Trial(give 10€ for each user who signs up for 30 days for free) or to the online shop of wooden frames MindsWood.

Community Subscription I have a Plan

Another major monetization line they have created is through a paid subscription of €9.90 per month with which you can join their community and enjoy some benefits such as asking questions of future guests, special offers for training, etc.

More than €16,000 in 5 months

They themselves tell you about the money they earn with this podcast, so far they have done so in episode 22, taking advantage of the fact that they had reached 100,000 subscribers. Now they already have 200,000, let’s see if they can get another one soon, counting how much they already earn, because it’s really interesting.

How do I make a podcast?

An idea, a plan, have a clear theme and start doing interviews. You can start with what you have, even with a simple video call.

Everything is to be tested, learned and improved. They started with 4,000 euros and the result is incredible from day one, but also because they have a lot of work behind them on YouTube and other media.

Think about what you’re good at, what interests you and doesn’t mind copying other methods that already work, like I have a plan, for my taste one of the best podcasts to see how to make one. You also learn by copying and surely the final result will have your stamp and will end up being something totally different.

Record and edit interviews with Riverside

Riverside is a podcasting tool you can use try for free and with which you’ll be able to record interviews and edit them very easily, achieving a professional look.

Publish your podcast on all platforms and place ads with Spreaker

There are several free tools to automatically publish your podcast on major platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts or iVoox among many others, p.but only one (at least as far as I know) allows you to introduce programmatic advertisingin the style of Youtube but in audio.

This is Speakerwith which you will be able to select the number of ads and the position in which they will go in each of your programs and they will take care of inserting at all times the advertising that pays the most or that suits your audience.

tell us your plan

If after reading this you’re already planning to make a podcast yourself, like Sergio Beguería and Juan Dominguez did, share it with us in the comments!

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