How to fight content saturation in B2B marketing? Interview by Mony CHHIM

How to fight content saturation in B2B marketing?  Interview by Mony CHHIM

How to fight content saturation in B2B marketing?

This is the topic of the interview I had the pleasure of doing Mony WEST, LinkedIn’s Ads Specialist. Member of the Scalezia, Bulldozer Paid and James Inbound collectives.

Here is the interview below and some of the key points discussed below:

What are the biggest challenges in B2B marketing in 2023?

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Generate enough quality leads.

I see a tightening related to both competition on the web, greater digital maturity of experts and a slowdown in growth.

It is therefore necessary to commit much more to obtain the same results, whether on the omnichannel, relational, expert image…

3 years ago it didn’t take much to generate leads through Linkedin, now it’s much more complex.

Hence the importance of establishing indicators, of thinking differently, of questioning oneself… as is recommended in the techniques of growth hacking.

Growth hacking is precisely about questioning results, trying new techniques…

So the challenge is on the one hand knowing where to spend your budget and at the same time having enough impact on the selected channels.

What mistakes do you see most often in B2B marketing?

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They are very numerous…

The most important thing is to “business as usual” and not dare to question yourself.

The future evolution of the economy will force us to question ourselves.

For example this year we tried SMS even though it was a failure.

The other point is to keep the “corporate” style, and not dare to put humanity and emotion in your communications.

I fight more and more so that it can be said “I” / “we”… and not too fluid and emotionless lyrics.

We need to free up words and content, because we can no longer write outdated articles once a month with a file.

Another key point is to focus on one or two channels or strategies and neglect the others.

For example, what to do with trade shows and advertising, and not SEO or social selling…

Not leveraging your customer base enough, whether for testimonials, or simply to drive more sales.

You need to meet your customers to build strong bonds, which allows you to have testimonials, customers who agree to participate in webinars or trade shows.

Maintaining the connection on social networks, in particular on Linkedin to be able to add all the people you know at a fair, those who have participated in a webinar … this allows you to have a new communication channel. If necessary, ask an offshore assistant to manually add them to Linkedin.

Finally, at the product level, there is often a slowness in the development of offers, linked to habits in a less competitive economic context.

But you have to learn to accelerate and get ahead of the market.

What are the opportunities to be seized in the field of B2B marketing?

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We need to adopt new technologies like GPT Chat to automate part of the marketer’s job.

For example, with the help of the GPT chat (40% of post writing), a commercial colleague made 25,000 views, and a second 15,000 when he hadn’t had time to post for months.

I made several articles about GPT chat:

He will see a big difference between two who will use generative AI well and the others.

How to fight content saturation in B2B marketing?  Interview by Mony CHHIM 9

Is there one thing about marketing where you changed your mind or evolved your philosophy?

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Personally, I think you have to create a WoW effect to differentiate yourself, as I present in these conferences

I think we are heading towards a degrowth economy, and therefore marketing will have to adjust, because we won’t have to do more, but already just as well, or even less.

This will be a real challenge in the months and years ahead, so this means anticipating big changes across all businesses.

I will publish a book on the subject in 2024, a kind of “degrowth hacking”.

We will talk about marketing, but also about CSR/Eco design, corporate culture and mission.

Is there a marketer/event/resource you recommend following?

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Inbound marketing France in Rennes every June, an interesting event that goes beyond content marketing

⇒ When we speak of degrowth, we obviously speak of JM Jancovicci and Arthur Keller.

They are essential for any self-respecting marketer to hear.

Here are two essential videos:

Is there a book you love (business, b2b digital marketing, creative or other)?

How to fight content saturation in B2B marketing?  Interview by Mony CHHIM 12

⇒ The book “These moments that matter” which is one of the references to create a wow effect

If I had to give you one piece of advice a year ago on how to become a marketer today, what would it be?

Manage your time well, sleep more, don’t have too many projects at the same time.

Accept saying “no” to focus on what really matters.

The growth hack is the maximum effect… you must always have a polar star metric (see this article) and tell you what it will bring you.

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