How to add footnotes in WordPress

How to add footnotes in WordPress

By Riccardo Esposito | Posted on

For inserting footnotes in WordPress there is the Gutenberg block. You select it and insert the numbering on the linked term at the bottom of the document. Or you can use specific plugins or anchors with HTML.

Footnotes are references used to indicate sources and insights make reading difficult. For example, if you want to specify a detail that is too long for the parentheses, use this trick to take the reader to the bottom of the document.

How to add footnotes in WordPress

TongueI put footnotes to cite a book or an article, and you can do it in Word, in Pages and even in Google Docs. To add these internal anchors on an HTML document such as WordPress posts or pages you have several solutions.

Insert footnotes with the editor

Everything was much more difficult without the help of the WordPress Gutenberg editor. Today, thanks to the update of this CMSyou can easily insert notes at the end of your content, without plugins.

Video tutorial to put notes at the end of the page.

How do you make footnotes to cite sources on a WordPress post? Use version 6.31 which improves the Gutenberg editor and adds some elements. Here is the procedure for inserting footnotes in WordPress without plugins and HTML code:

  • Open your document.
  • Select the word or phrase affected by the note.
  • Click the formatting block drop-down menu.
  • Choose the footnote option.
  • Add text and save.

You automatically have an internal link with consecutive numbering inserted as the superscript of the term. If you click you get to the bottom of the page where you added the content. Which can be fFormatted in italics or bold but also introduced by an H2 or H3.

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How to put notes with HTML code

Is there a solution to add footnotes to cite sources in a website without needing Gutenberg blocks? Sure, ultimately we’re just talking about an internal anchor from one point on the page to another at a superscript.

Then, put the number next to the word you want to link to the note. Then select the number and add the pound sign plus the name you put at the end point as a link. Here is an example of HTML code for adding footnotes to a web page.

<p>Questo è un testo in cui spieghiamo come scrivere una tesi di laurea <a href="#footnote-1">[1]</a>. Diamo una definizione di come si aggiunge la bibliografia <a href="#footnote-2">[2]</a>.</p>

<a= name="footnote-1">[1]</a> Qui trovi la prima nota.</p>
<a= name="footnote-2">[2]</a> Qui hai la seconda nota.</p>

As you can understand it is not easy to work with this kind of structure for put footnotes. On the other hand if you have no alternative it is a good solution. But there is also another possibility for those who want to work on a WordPress post.

Insert footnotes with plugins

Last option2 to add footnotes: use a specific extension for this work. The advantages are clear: you have more options and can customize this online writing experience as you see fit. What are the best plugins?

Footnotes Made Easy is a great way to add your notes and customize everything. Modern Footnotes, on the other hand, is a WordPress plugin for adding footnotes with shortcodes and a good mobile user experience.

insert footnotes with wordpress plugin
The Modern Footnotes Plugin.

In this case, for example, we just don’t have the option of add text at the bottom of the page, in the footer, but there are windows that are open in the text. Perhaps a little too intrusive compared to what we imagine. It’s not always the right solution.

Must read: how to cite the sources of a website

Some rules for putting notes

The footnote is a text element placed at the bottom of the page of a book, article, thesis or blog post. These text strings are used to give explanations, insert citations, add bibliographic or sitographic references.

Here you can add any information that is useful for the reader without adding bulk to the text. You can use the APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), or Chicago styles to insert bibliographic references in the footnotes.

APA (American Psychological Association)
Example of APA-style footnotes.

For example, in the footnote you can enter the author’s last name, the year of publication, the title of the work, the volume (if necessary), the number of the page where it is located the item you mentioned. Usually everything is italicized and in a smaller font.

Richard Esposito

I am a freelance web writer. I have been involved in online writing since 2009, I specialized in drafting editorial plans for corporate blogs. I have written 3 books dedicated to the world of blogging and online writing.

Category: wordpress

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