How health insurance successfully distills its health tips for 18 to 25 year olds La Réclame

How health insurance successfully distills its health tips for 18 to 25 year olds – La Réclame

A medium and a road show.

How to approach young people on public health issues (prevention, procedures, reflexes) when it is an entity known to all French but not necessarily expected to achieve this objective that is considered difficult to achieve appeals? Health insurance is taking on this challenge with the “Mes Tips Santé” system, a medium launched with Ici Barbès on Instagram and a roadshow that travels the streets to meet 18-25 year olds.

A success that tells us Stephane FouquetHead of Campaigns and Promotions Department of Cnam (National Health Insurance Fund).

Health insurance is a lifelong service for many French people. What is his biggest communication challenge today?

Stephane Fouquet : L’Assurance Maladie carries out information and communication campaigns on important public health issues with the aim of preventing and reducing health risks: for example by promoting influenza vaccination or even the awareness campaign launched in 2022 on the warning signs of heart failure (In France suffers 1.5 million people, mainly over 60 years old, a large proportion of them are poorly or hardly diagnosed.) This is a real public health problem in diagnosis and therefore in reducing long-term costs.

In addition, the development of digital technologies in the healthcare sector requires that we support policyholders and healthcare professionals. Therefore, we communicate a lot about these new digital tools and thus, in particular, facilitate easier access to healthcare: in 2022 we launched “My Health Space”, the digital health record for the French, with other projects to follow, such as the one known to the French Vitale card request to dematerialize this object.

Finally, ensuring the sustainability of our healthcare system beyond these healthcare access issues is one of our greatest challenges. Everyone needs to be aware of their role in the healthcare system. That is why we will start a campaign in autumn on how to use the healthcare system properly, to draw attention to the problem of missed doctor’s appointments and the importance of taking the vital card with you to an appointment. medical.

Tell us about the “My Health Tips” campaign. What was the main goal and the target group?

SF : My Health Tips is the embodiment of a long-term device. In 2019, student insurance was abolished and this public, which was completely new to us, largely joined general health insurance. We have therefore developed a global information system aimed at 18-25 year olds in order to build a relationship with them from the age of 18 that will continue into the future. At 18 we are not necessarily aware of the health steps we need to take, it is often the parents who sort this out.

We have developed several components, the first of which was an informational newsletter called My Health Tips and a media campaign broadcast each September to educate them on the steps they need to take when they become insured adults ( open his Ameli account, announce his treating doctor, update his CV, submit his bank details, etc.). In addition, we have equipped our network of local health insurance companies so that we can meet these young people at events, trade fairs and through partners. When we set up an Instagram account last year, we also added a new building block: “Mes Tips Santé” provides regular information on a channel that is heavily used by 18 to 25 year olds.

Finally, at the end of May, we launched a roadshow with the Bus Mes Tips Santé, which will include around thirty stages in 2023: the first 13 cities welcomed the Bus Mes Tips Santé with a finale at the Solidays festival in spring, and 16 new stages are from Mitte September to mid-October planned, particularly on university campuses. It is a rematerialization of the relationship that puts us in contact with young people in this field.

Can you explain to us what has been implemented around “My Health Tips”? How did you ensure you used the right tone when addressing health issues with young audiences?

SF : It is a real challenge, especially to find the right channels. Of course, we are also present on social networks such as Instagram, as it is one of their most important information media.

In our media campaign on good habits, we also invested in social media in a different way, encouraging influencers to use their tone and style to share tips and good health habits. Last year, this campaign generated over 3 million organic views.

We will both look for the codes of young people by collaborating with influencers, and we will embrace these codes and current trends in our texts and images, being careful not to be caricatural to get our messages across.

How do you measure the impact of My Health Tips? What were the first feedbacks/results of this campaign?

SF : We analyze statistics, for example on the Instagram account, on which we have a growing number of subscribers, especially recently with the roadshow “My Health Tips” which took the number of our account subscribers to over 11 a year after its creation, 7,000 followers increased .

The number of views and interactions with our publications is also measured: Our average interaction rate over the last 6 months is 3.44%. What is not negligible, it shows that there is an interaction with our content, be it likes, comments and answers to questionnaires in the stories.

An evaluation was made with the panel of participants especially for the roadshow: The satisfaction rate is 70% for “super” and rises to 99% if you add “good”. Young people are particularly interested in preventive health issues and appreciate entertaining events in particular.

Then 18% said they had downloaded the My Health Room application during the event and 14% had opened an account there. In addition, the health insurance image was measured at the end of this roadshow and shows a score of 8.7/10, while the health insurance image barometer in the general population is 7.3/10 (data from 2021).

Finally, sometimes we are surprised, such as the opening rate of about 50% of the newsletters we send to young people, despite their reputation for not opening their emails…

This is undoubtedly a sign that we have managed to find effective codes and means to send them messages that they consider useful for their health.

What is the next step for My Health Tips?

SF : First, Keep the Instagram account alive because that’s a lot of work. Then the 2nd tour of the roadshow will start from mid-September to mid-October in the south of France, including Marseille, Nice, Toulouse, La Rochelle, Villeurbanne…

This event allows us to enrich the content of the Instagram account “My health tips” with the questions and messages that the young people leave us on the bus. Finally, as part of the Good Reflexes campaign, we will be collaborating with three content creators on TikTok who provide young people aged 18-25 with good advice to help them manage their health.

Which agencies do you work with?

SF : With the agency Ici Barbès for the animation of the Instagram account “Mes Tips Santé” and has been doing so for several years; with a group of agencies from the TBWA Group on the roadshow device and the “Good Reflexes” media campaign, the Presidents and the Audience Shopper; and with Dentsu Public to influence and buy advertising space.

Has the COVID-19 health crisis impacted the implementation of the My Health Tips campaign?

SF : The project started in 2019, so the health crisis had no real impact on its deployment. On the contrary, this channel of information has allowed us to send them real-time news about the health situation and to support these young people at a difficult time for everyone and especially for them.

During the pandemic, “health information” has been hotly debated and even challenged. What particular challenges do you face when communicating on public health issues and how do you overcome them?

SF : In general and with regard to public health in particular, our communication is based on information obtained from experts or institutions such as the HAS (High Authority for Health) or the ANSM (Medicine Safety Agency) and scientifically validated. ). Like all public actors, we are confronted with fake news and make sure to be able to react to it objectively and scientifically.

In addition, when the health insurance company speaks, we know that they benefit from a deposit bonus upon receiving their messages, as certain studies have shown us. In terms of credibility and reception of the message, we gain 5 to 10 points compared to other actors, especially private ones. That’s a plus we can count on.

Additionally, one of the key challenges of communicating on public health issues is capturing it over time in impressive and renewed ways to support changes in patient and public behavior. It is indeed a long-term process that requires not only showing up to awareness campaigns on time, but also repeating the messages over and over without getting tired. In short, you need to know how to renew yourself while continuing a long-term communication.

Traditional Voice of the Advertiser question: What is the secret of a successful advertiser-agency relationship?

SF : Confidence, openness and the ability to discuss proposals in one way or another. For the advertiser to listen and accept being jostled, surprised and vice versa, that our agency knows how to listen to the constraints inherent in an institution like ours, especially on medical issues. These limitations can sometimes be difficult for an agency, but being more creative is never more than a challenge.

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