How artificial intelligence makes any marketing activity more productive

How artificial intelligence makes any marketing activity more productive

Artificial intelligence is perceived as a threat to many jobs. The good news is, when it comes to digital marketing, it actually is possible advance your career performing tedious tasks and allowing you to focus on more creative tactics.

Here’s how AI technology can make any marketing activity more productive:

1. Brand identity

AI can help you in the very first stage of your digital marketing, i.e. in defining your brand identity. You can use AI to create an eye-catching brand and even get help creating your own logo.

Nominate is an AI-powered tool that can help you with both of these steps. Just type in your main keyword and it will use its AI-powered algorithm to generate possible brand names for you. For any name you choose, it will generate free logos, check username availability on social media, and even run a branding availability check:

Generate logo on Namify

There are also some AI logo generators that can help here. is an example that offers a free logo maker based on AI that generates your logo for free. All you need is:

  • Provide your business name
  • Insert your slogan (if you have one)
  • Type in your main keyword
  • Select your favorite color combination or choose your main colour

The results will feature all sorts of color schemes and fonts available. You can edit any of them. While editing, you can customize the colors, change or add an icon, add or remove your slogan, change the layout and select the background.

Example of

Once your logo is creative, you can make it use these mockups to make sure it looks good wherever you put it, including business cards and conference gadgets.

2. Content creation

ChatGPT is a great tool for brainstorming. If you post a lot of content, you will never feel blocked.

If you ask ChatGPT for content ideas, chances are you’ll be provided with a pretty generic list. But if you keep asking for more specific ideas, you can come across some great ideas.

  • Ask him to be more creative and think outside the box
  • Create a more specific prompt by asking for a particular format (e.g. list, survey, white paper, etc.)
  • Ask them to target a particular persona or stage in the sales funnel (e.g. “Generate content ideas for the top of the funnel i.e. pitching the concept to my target audience”)
  • Ask him to brainstorm follow-up article ideas for your existing content

3. Creation of text content

While creative, skill-based content should be left to humans, AI can help you create generic copy, including:

  • Press releases
  • Product descriptions (based on existing specifications)
  • FAQs, etc.

There are a number of tools that can make generic content creation easier and more productive. Text Optimizer offers artificial intelligence integration that allows you to quickly generate a semantically optimized answer to any question:

  • Click “Start optimizing” and choose Google
  • Choose “AI writes a new text for you”
  • Type your keyword
  • Choose your question (or type your own)
  • Wait a few seconds for your response to be generated

The generated copy will include related concepts (in bold) and further advice on how to semantically optimize it even better:

Text Optimizer AI Integration

Many Shopify apps also help you create descriptive product descriptions. Lexicon (starting at $10/month with a limited free option available) offers a bulk option for creating product descriptions.

It also has the ability to generate blog posts that automatically include in-content links to product pages. While I’m not a fan of auto-generated creative, I liked the idea of ​​contextual interconnection, so if you edit blog posts to add high-quality editorial content, that feature could come in handy.


What’s your favorite AI tool for marketing productivity? Click to tweet

4. Creating visual content

Creating effective images used to be a very challenging task. Now, with artificial intelligence, it’s become child’s play. All you need is to know which tools to use!

Photoleap by Lightricks is one of those tools to use. It comes with some great AI features including a text to image creator and Artificial intelligence scenes. Both tools allow you to create original images for social media that are sure to grab the attention of your audience.

Best of all, Photoleap requires no graphic design knowledge or training to use. Simply install an app and start creating in seconds.

Photoleap by Lightricks is another cool tool to use that offers an AI-powered chatbot feature called DesignerBot that designs slides quickly, helps brainstorm ideas, and generates images. All you have to do is describe your presentation and watch DesignerBot generate unique decks for you.


It will include automatically generated images and graphics that you can edit and use:

5. PPC Ads

Writing PPC ads has always been a huge pain for me personally because I simply can’t seem commercial enough. My workaround was to outsource this step, but it always makes everything slower.

AI makes this process faster: it can generate dozens of PPC copies to choose from. Simply ask ChatGPT to create PPC ads based on your keyword and then refine your request if you need anything special:

Writing PPC ads with ChatGPT

6. Emails, follow-ups, and social media replies

Writing emails and follow-ups, as well as responding to social media messages and online reviews are marketing activities that can be time consuming. And it’s hard to outsource as you put your brand behind every message.

Artificial intelligence makes writing these messages much easier. Simply ask ChatGPT to create an outreach email and specify your style. You may need a few tweaks here and there, but it’s much easier than writing each email from scratch.

There are even some browser extensions that allow you to quickly compose a thank you message for a social media mention. Let’s face it: There are only a limited number of ways to say “Thank you,” and repetitive messages might feel like spam. Well, AI can produce an original message every time!

This free Google Chrome extension works ChatGPT requests you everywhere, including Gmail and social media. You must be logged into ChatGPT in the same browser for it to work. Once the extension is installed, type /gpt followed by your message. Then press “Enter:”

The Google Chrome extension runs ChatGPT

You can edit and publish.

When it comes to customer support, AI can also make it more productive. You can let your customer service team use ChatGPT to quickly write emails and social media replies. You can also use AI-powered technology to scale your phone support using IVR extension technology that answers your phone, helps your customers and guides them to an available team member for further help.

7. Data Security

Finally, AI tools can work behind the scenes making your marketing more informed and safer. As marketers, we deal with a lot of private information, so keeping it safe should be a priority. AI already is disrupting cyber security. Tools like Aura as an entrepreneur Day of Ravichandran can recognize patterns and take proactive actions to keep your data safe.

Artificial intelligence has introduced numerous new opportunities for digital marketers.

With all the innovative tools and technologies available, you can rely on AI to take care of the most boring and repetitive tasks and focus on what you love about digital marketing – being creative!

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