Ecology is changing, so is communication!

Ecology is changing, so is communication!

Ecology is in full change, that’s good, so is communication! 🤓 Communicators, how can we become aware and raise awareness of the challenges we face? How to get involved in a constructive ecology? And in a broader sense: how to build a new reality in the face of current environmental issues ?

The We Are COM team is a rencontré the communications expert in charge of organizations, the eminent author working for the ecological transition, Thierry Libaert. ♻️ Forward for a transition hour.

And to find out more about Thierry Libaert and his fascinating works, 👉 here.

Hi Thierry, as a writer and organizational communications expert, can you tell us what communication looks like in the midst of change?

The communication transition occurs in two ways. First, The structure of the communication function itself is constantly evolving. This is what makes all the difficulty and interest of the profession. Current issues such as distrust, misinformation, the constant renewal of digital tools and the constant tightening of legal norms call this communication function into question.

On the other hand, Communication contributes to ecological change. Now more than ever, the sector must participate in this environmental imperative.

You are an actor committed to ecological change. What do you mean by “constructive ecology”?

Constructive ecology comes from questioning. Since the 2010s we have been wondering what role advertising plays in the age of ecological transition, what role responsible communication plays in the face of major issues such as climate change or deforestation. It seems to me that More and more communicators are asking themselves how they can participate in developments in society.

I am convinced that the positive approach is still the most effective way to raise awareness of current environmental issues at a societal level. We must mobilize by making people want to, far from linear, alarming, moralizing and imploring speeches. Communicators today have a duty to offer new stories and inspire new imaginations.

Communicators today have a duty to offer new stories and inspire new imaginations.

How to ensure that communicators are aware of their responsibilities in the face of the challenges of climate change and biodiversity erosion?

First of all, I would say that this awareness is informational. It is important to know and understand the state of affairs and the importance of the issues in order to be able to move forward in the engagement. This may seem trivial, but accessing this information is not so obvious. Communication and advertising schools should offer more modules on environmental issues. The Association of Communication Consulting Agencies – AACC is taking on this challenge.

Communicators also need to recognize that they no longer have a choice. From now on, Liability issues have become tough laws. In other words, as legislation continues to tighten, professionals in the industry are now faced with a host of new non-financial regulations.

Finally, awareness needs to address the very meaning of the communication professions, whose job is to convey a meaningful story to society. We must put an end to the instrumental communication paradigm. Communication must always have a predictive character!

We must put an end to the instrumental communication paradigm.

What are the latest good practices that you have observed in terms of responsible communication?

these last few years I was able to observe a very positive change in attitude towards the topic of responsibility for communication, However, it used to be very complicated to clarify these issues with industry players. Companies have always felt attacked from a very lobbyist perspective. Today, these interlocutors position themselves less on the defensive and dialogue is facilitated. They understood that communication had to evolve and adapt to the importance of the story and its challenges.

Generally, We also observe that responsible communication measures are more integrated into the overall strategies of organizations. The one-time operation, which is somewhat isolated, fragmented and selective, is no longer sufficient. From now on, environmental issues will be lived in the long term and will have a significant impact on the strategic policies of companies.

Next to, Responsible communication is no longer just about avoiding greenwashing, That was a bit reductive. The vision of responsibility has expanded: environmental impact of communication actions, inclusion, diversity, fight against stereotypes, co-construction, partner relations, etc. A lot of work is being done to rethink communication modes. Communicators today think in “impact” mode. This is what I call the “extended responsibility” of the communicator.

Why are expert characters in 85% of ads still men with graying temples? Exactly, By overcoming these stereotypes, the creation of new ideas becomes possible. Many collectives and associations are working in this direction and encourage communicators to continue to play this leading role in the years to come.

From now on, environmental issues will be lived in the long term and will have a significant impact on the strategic policies of companies.

As for your engagement, you co-founded the Academy of Controversies and Sensitive Communication. How do you see the confrontation of communities? How can we fight fake news?

There is no magic bullet to combat fake news, as they are inherently diverse and mutating. The most effective strategy is to isolate the irreducible, those who would be futile to convince. If we look at the accounts that spread fake news most often, we find a conglomerate of pro-Russia, climate skeptics and anti-vaccination and many bots, let’s not waste time.

Rather, fighting misinformation is trying to persuade the undecided, these people who are not rigid climate skeptics, but individuals questioning the impact of the climate crisis on their lifestyles. to convince them It is important to integrate the dimension of social justice into this fight. We must fight inequalities before we fight fake news. We must reassure the most disadvantaged and remind them that it is not their job to push.

In addition, it is important that The Opinion Leaders, in terms of climate, are speaking up again and many are beginning to get actively involved. These experts have not been represented on social networks for a long time. But here, too, it is important to combat misinformation.

Finally, and this topic is much less known, We need to be extra vigilant when it comes to digital advertising. In fact, 80% of these ads are programmatic, meaning they happen automatically without human intervention. However, we found that many of these ad streams fed disinformation platforms, because who says controversy also says buzz. Fortunately, many associations now conduct surveillance and alert companies when necessary. Despite everything, the topic of advertising purchases remains a problem.

What do you think organizational communication will look like in the coming years?

I have no idea, I always prefer to be cautious about predictions. 😊

As for responsible communication, I would say that its future lies in it pedagogy. It will be necessary to explain the moving inserts very clearly and show more proportionality between communication and real engagement. Responsible communication will also be communication of tomorrow Vicinitywhich will take place on site, and a communication from Proofwho will constantly justify himself above all stakeholders.

In other words, we will witness the emergence of a communication of the “5Ps”: Pedagogy, Proximity, Proportionality, Evidence and Stakeholder.

We will witness the emergence of a communication of the “5Ps”: Pedagogy, Proximity, Proportionality, Evidence and Stakeholder.

Finally, as an expert, do you have any final advice on more responsible communication for the communicators you read?

never forget that Communication starts with listening. Dominique Wolton rightly states: When everyone is talking, who is listening? ».

Pay more attention to Europe to anticipate changes in your company. In the more than 12 years that I have been working at the European Economic and Social Committee, I have seen that more communication issues have cropped up in the last two years than in the previous ten years.

Finally, communicate by making every effort create dialogue. I regret to note that very few debates relate to communication and bring communicators together, particularly advertisers with consumer associations and environmental NGOs.

Don’t be afraid of confrontations, you have nothing to lose by trying!

3 things you should know about Thierry Libaert

His daily source of inspiration? Thierry finds inspiration when he gets out of his comfort zone. He regularly goes to a bookstore and randomly buys books and magazines that go beyond his area of ​​expertise to open himself up to other worlds.

His favorite communication campaign? During his experience as President of the Jury of the Union des Marques in April 2023, he was touched by AXA France’s “Les Français” eco-citizen campaign. A campaign that has been well implemented internally and is taking risks. We look !

His obligations? Thierry is involved in a dozen associations and think tanks. He regularly tries to renew his voluntary action by exploring new associative areas. His oldest commitment? Namely for the benefit of the Nature and Human Foundation, whose scientific council he has been a member of for 23 years.

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