Do you outsource your marketing and communications?

Outsourcing has already found its way into supporting services such as bookkeeping, recruitment or the management of computer equipment.

It is therefore not surprising that this idea is also finding its way into the minds of company leaders in professions that play a more decisive role in the company’s strategy and thus directly in sales.

Is the idea of ​​outsourcing marketing and communications real or false?

Here are some reasons that will likely tip the scales…

You have a job, do it!

What is your added value in the company? Don’t waste time managing operational marketing and communication services (sales brochure, website, content creation, social selling, etc.). If you entrust this service to an external service provider, you can concentrate on what you do best: your job. Just because you go to an agency, you lose control of your strategy. All you have to do is build it together with your agency and agree on the validation steps between you and your agency.

gain time

You don’t have the time to do all the fronts. And time is precious, especially in small businesses. Since the days will always be 24 hours and not 27 hours, it is clear that it is often the marketing and communication measures that are neglected. So yes, working on your marketing and communications strategy takes time. Observe the actions of the competitors, think about a global and multi-channel strategy, carry out the operational actions and I am not talking about the time that should be spent analyzing the results, a step that often falls by the wayside and yet falls by the wayside stays fundamental. In short, CQFD: Outsourcing operations can save you a lot of time.

An external vision for innovative marketing

Take a step back from your business! After a while you get too tactful to innovate. Hiring an outside service provider also means bringing new ideas to your strategy and exploring an aspect you may not have seen before. A marketing and communication agency has a comprehensive view of your company, but also of your field of activity, since it has several clients. So why give up using a source of new ideas for your communication?

Work with experts

Everyone has their own area of ​​expertise! Your agency’s job is to advise and guide you. You benefit from the expertise and competence of a team at the forefront of digital marketing. Digitization, like all areas, is constantly evolving. When we talk about digital communications, it’s all about knowing the capabilities of each platform, tracking changes in algorithms, and being up to date with best practices to achieve tangible results.

Reduce your costs and gain flexibility

If you want to manage your marketing and communication within your team, you have to internalize a certain number of positions, since it is difficult to combine all the skills in one person: you need a graphic designer, a community manager, an editor, a developer …. By going through an agency, you ensure you have the right skills at the right time, without the costs associated with hiring. You gain in productivity and competence.

A disadvantage ? Create a link!

After so many good reasons, I’ve been looking for a downside, which isn’t easy, but I’ll at least offer a point of vigilance:

An outside agency should be an extension of your business. So do not forget that this speaker does not bathe in your atmosphere and dynamics on a daily basis. He is currently unaware of the company’s significant news. For this reason, it is important to set up regular meetings to build a relationship of trust and increase flexibility to ensure a good integration of the teams. In summary, to be effective in terms of results, this type of collaboration needs to be long-term, if only to give your strategy a chance to produce results, since marketing efforts never produce results. immediate.

Would you like to outsource your marketing and communication? Contact us!

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