Do you have to be ambitious when creating?

Struck since childhood by our readings in which ambition is synonymous with careerism, be it Maupassant with the beautiful girlfriend or Le rouge et le noir by Stendhal, it is difficult for us to get rid of these characters, who bear within them the roots of the ambition that could be linked to the quest for creation. without any ethics or respect for others.

Ambition catches small souls more easily than great ones, as fire catches straw lightly, cottages than palaces.

Maupassant at the Bel Ami

Ambition often takes on a negative aspect.

She is often described as a bad and dangerous advisor because she would endanger the ambitious. In fact, these are described as people with more negative goals that cause long-term destruction. But do you have to be ambitious when starting a business? And if you have no ambition, is the creative project doomed to fail?

Entrepreneur and Ambition

When the entrepreneur starts his business, he is not always motivated by great ambition. He wants his business to work, but he doesn’t necessarily see things on a grand scale. That’s why he doesn’t always see international development if he hasn’t sold anything near where he lives. He will prefer to go step by step and develop his business and ambitions.

Some entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are very ambitious. They already see themselves as multi-millionaires with offices everywhere, a very diverse supply and sales that cannot be tracked. They surpass themselves and implement actions that seem incredible. Generally, their insane ambition serves them or stops them in mid-air.

A man is not unhappy because he has ambition, but because he is consumed by it.


It’s important to recognize the difference between ambition and careerism, and not wanting to achieve your goals at any cost at the expense of others, even if that means ruthlessly trampling on them.

Be careful at the beginning

Ambition is useful for starting a business, but in moderation, and if adjusted to the development of the business, it is healthy. Caution is required when starting a business. Entrepreneurs without ambition but with a good idea and a clear plan of action are likely to succeed over time.

Rather than pillorying it, let’s see ambition as a way to consider grand designs that can mobilize the entrepreneur and his teams when needed. This is a help to push yourself, but be careful not to overdo it. We can therefore rehabilitate moderate ambition.

This task is not the easiest. In fact, the ambitious is still considered to be someone willing to do anything to succeed, even if it means destroying others. He would not hesitate to push others around to widen his path to success. And yet there are many ambitious entrepreneurs in the United States who have achieved tremendous success by not being held back. However, European and Western mentalities only see a negative side in courageous entrepreneurs. However, striving for success is part of an entrepreneur’s wealth.

Maintain an ambition consistent with the development of the company

Restricting your ambitions to developing the present does not mean giving up engaging and preparing for the future. In fact, it is about looking to the future while pursuing an ambition that corresponds to the development of the company. It goes without saying that as the company grows, so do its ambitions.

It’s healthy to be ambitious with yourself. The entrepreneur must be motivated to develop further and uncover his still hidden or potential skills. It is necessary to cultivate an ambition that inspires enough self-confidence to maintain and exploit in the best sense of the word.

Therefore, ambition is useful for surpassing oneself, but like any quality, it should not be too small or too large. Finding the right balance, the right mix of ambitions, will be the entrepreneur whose ambitions grow in step with their business.

As a leader, you need to be ambitious to inspire enthusiasm

Don’t dream dreams that are too small, because they don’t have the power to move men forward.


Entrepreneurs are often visionaries who open up new paths through ambitious challenges that prove to be value creators.

Our Dynamique magazine is full of ambitious people. Her credo is success, but also the happiness of others and respect for the environment!

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