Do the French still trust real estate operators?

Do the French still trust real estate operators?

You know that the health crisis that began in 2020 has turned into an economic crisis and that there have been upheavals in many sectors, including real estate. With the general increase in prices we have entered a period of uncertainty for the future. However, can it be said that this has also caused a crisis of confidence among the French towards real estate developers? Nothing is less certain and we explain why in this article!

A need for safety and comfort that remains intact

One of the main reasons that push the French to place their trust in real estate developers like Maisons Artis is the need to feel safe. Indeed, while it seems logical to hesitate to invest in real estate when the future is uncertain, continuing to rent a property can also be considered a dead loss. This is even more true when the hope of obtaining a decent pension diminishes with the passing of the years. For this reason, owning your own home is still seen as additional security for the future.

On the other hand, purchasing new homes from a real estate developer has numerous advantages in terms of security such as the ten-year guarantee, compliance with environmental and energy regulations, etc. Furthermore, you are guaranteed optimal comfort since the housing recent ones are more suited to our current lifestyles. We therefore see that the vast majority of French people who manage to obtain a real estate loan from their bank decide to invest in real estate today.

The desire for a change of scenery after long months of confinement

Another motivation that explains why the French still rely so much on real estate developers is the desire to move elsewhere and, if possible, to the countryside. Confinement is obviously not unrelated to this and has also brought with it some positive aspects, such as the generalization of teleworking. Nowadays, many companies no longer require their employees to be present at work.

As a result, living in the city near the workplace is no longer a necessity, hence the desire to purchase a new home in the countryside or ideally by the sea. We will therefore benefit from a high living comfort in a much more pleasant daily environment than in the center of Paris!

Some long-term financial interest

As we described in part one, the simple act of purchasing a property is safer for your retirement. But especially for new homes there are other financial advantages. In fact, you can benefit from advantageous schemes such as the zero-interest loan, the Pinel scheme, or even reduced VAT. This help is very valuable for reducing acquisition costs and facilitating access to real estate credit, which has become a sort of sesame in recent years.

Additionally, new homes are generally much more energy efficient, resulting in real savings on your utility bill. So, to answer the initial question, real estate developers are still popular in 2023 and the trust that the French place in them is not ready to disappear anytime soon!

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