ChatGPT Marketing Prompts: Advanced Techniques You Should Know

ChatGPT Marketing Prompts: Advanced Techniques You Should Know

On social media, we hear marketers explain how ChatGPT can bring you mountains and wonders: creating an A to Z content strategy, writing an article optimized for natural references, designing an editorial line for social media or even composing an effective email delivery… The chatbot seems extremely efficient. You still need to know how to write a ChatGPT prompt for marketing.

Only the use of ChatGPT can reach its limits if you don’t deal intensively with the matter – and especially if you don’t learn it Create clean ChatGPT prompts for marketing.

During the Agora Summit We interviewed Brice Trophardy, ChatGPT expert who started his own training with Jérémy Guillo.

He was then invited back to a LinkedIn and YouTube live on July 6, 2023. More than 900 people registered for this session, which was enriched by many live questions from the audience.

The live is available as a replay: “ChatGPT Decrypted: Advanced Techniques for Marketing”

Discover here the 7 best practices to remember.

You probably already know a little: ChatGPT is a chatbot interface created by OpenAI. However, in order to use it well and create effective ChatGPT prompts for marketing, it is important to understand how the algorithm of this chatbot works.

It’s quite simple: the artificial intelligence that works behind ChatGPT is based on an LLM (Large Language Model, a language model), the specificity of which is this Predict the next words to be written in a given context.

Concretely, ChatGPT will be able to generate text in a fluid and natural way, based on a probability calculation performed for the given context. Note that there are currently several versions of ChatGPT available: GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. It is advisable to do thisUse version 4 as it has a much larger database in which it retrieves its information, allowing the AI ​​to have a greater ability to “reflect” and thus improve the results generated. In addition, the content produced is longer than in version 3.5: interesting for marketing professionals who want to integrate it into their strategy.

Best practices for writing your ChatGPT marketing prompts

If ChatGPT results are not 100% predictable and reproducible, you can still learn to master it to help you in your marketing efforts.

This is where a new key competency comes into play: the creation of prompts ChatGPT for marketing. Here are the best practices in this area that Brice Trophardy shared live with us.

1/ Properly manage the sources you provide to ChatGPT

One of the first pitfalls marketers might encounter with ChatGPT is that it will only be trained until September 2021. Therefore, current news is not taken into account.

In addition, the chatbot never spontaneously shares its sources: it is impossible for you to verify where the information it reveals to you came from.

To solve this problem, be sure to properly manage the sources you feed ChatGPT with in your prompts: these are force sources on him.

For example, if your request is about news (e.g. writing up-to-date content), Give him current sources You can rely on. To do this, you can either feed in content from Google searches that you have performed manually or use a paid plugin such as WebPilot.

2/ Write a precise and specific request

If you’ve dabbled a bit with ChatGPT, you’re familiar with the “Stage 1” prompting technique: it involves asking the chatbot a question, like you would on Google.

However, these types of ChatGPT marketing prompts often fail to provide satisfactory results as they are not very personalized. There are already advanced prompts available directly from libraries on the web or in extensions like AIPRM.

However, the key to success for you as a marketer is to write your own prompts. And for that you have to do it Be as specific as possible in your request.

To do this, take the time to explain the following seven elements in your ChatGPT marketing prompts:

  • The role that the chatbot must support
  • Task make
  • The goal for tracking
  • the context in which he can draw (goals, scope or extent of the topic, etc.)
  • steps be continued
  • restrictions what it must follow (number of words, use of certain keywords, etc.)
  • The format waited for his answer
  • The sound desirable (formal, casual, informative, etc.)
  • The quotes possibly to be included
  • Language to use, especially if it is different from the one used in the command prompt
  • visual elements include (graphs, charts, images…)
  • sensitive issues avoid
  • The examples or analogies for ChatGPT to use to illustrate the answer
An example of a concise and specific ChatGPT prompt

An example of a concise and specific ChatGPT prompt

Remember that artificial intelligence doesn’t know everything! You are the expert who must guide her so that she can do exactly the task that you expect.

3/ Reverse the roles

Another proven way to create well-performing ChatGPT marketing prompts is to reverse the roles. Instead of looking for the information you can give him, you can do this Make him the engine of interaction.

For example, instead of asking him: “Suggest me a marketing strategy for such a launch with such goals“, Ask him : “Ask me all the necessary questions to create such a marketing strategy“.

In the same way, it can also be useful Ask him to put himself in the shoes of a specific person : You, who must develop your marketing strategy, or your target groups, who are witnesses to it.

4/ Manage your limited storage

Depending on the language model used by different versions, ChatGPT has limited context. To put it another way he can only “remember” a limited number of words. (including your requests and their response).

  • GPT-3.5 can remember up to 4000 tokens (ie 3000 words).
  • GPT-4 can remember up to 8000 tokens (ie 6000 words).

If you exceed this limit, ChatGPT will forget to start your interaction with it. A real problem when you have to use it on long prompts! Here lies the fact that Map your ChatGPT prompts for marketing becomes essential.

You can use the principle of the different stages to do this: You ask l’IA to complete one step before moving on to the next, while regularly running content reminders.

To limit the number of tokens used and to manage ChatGPT’s limited storage, these content reminders can take several forms:

  • A summary
  • A list
  • A plan
  • A summary table
  • An automatic prompt reminder (i.e. include in your prompt that you want ChatGPT to remember its original purpose)
An example of a ChatGPT prompt using the summary table and the auto-prompting technique

An example of a ChatGPT prompt using the summary table and the auto-prompting technique

5/ Improve ChatGPT writing style

ChatGPT has a boring generic default writing style. It is therefore difficult to use it as it is to create a post for social networks or to write a well-copied web page!

Fortunately, there are several methods that can “feed” the chatbot’s writing style.

You can try Give him a reference he knows (such as an artistic movement or a well-known person)

Prompt ChatGPT - Hacker writing style

ChatGPT promptly asks him to choose a hacker writing style

But often you will find that the results obtained are cartoonish.

Second option: be Also give an example to follow A text from which he draws inspiration to improve his writing.

ChatGPT promptly asks him to imitate the writing style

Ask ChatGPT to imitate a writing style

But the technique that will allow you to get the best results consists of Create a real writing style prompt. Then it is important to go into detail Inflection your brand by providing:

  • vocabulary and choice of words be continued
  • Syntax and sentence structure preferred
  • images and phrases use
  • tonality and register
  • themes and patterns
  • text structure build
  • rhythm and cadence sentences
  • The use of punctuation marks apply
  • The level of detail and the ability to describe to adopt

The more specific you are, the more elaborate copy you can get for your marketing content.

6/ Improve the structure of your command prompt

Supporting ChatGPT in this is also important Understand the structure of your command prompt.

In this sense, an advanced command prompt has several types of information:

  • The prompt itself (i.e. instructions)
  • sources of information
  • models follow
An example of a well-structured ChatGPT marketing prompt

An example of a well-structured ChatGPT marketing prompt

Here, the use of three apostrophes allows the different types of information to be distinguished.

7/ Use a beacon system

To help ChatGPT better understand your request, make sure you do the same Use different tags. These are delimiters that help him understand the structure of your command prompt.

For example, you can use:

  • Double braces {{ }} to introduce a separate source of information from the rest of the prompt that ChatGPT can use.
  • three apostrophes ”to delineate the beginning and end of your information source.
  • Simple des accolades { } to integrate third-party elements, which you must be prompted for before proceeding to the next step.
Prompt ChatGPT with beacon system

Prompt ChatGPT with beacon system

For a more detailed explanation of these advanced techniques, feel free to watch the live recording and download the slides.

Armed with these best practices, the possibilities for using ChatGPT in your marketing strategy are limitless. However, always remember that ChatGPT sometimes makes mistakes and that this can lie because there is simply no contextual data. The key to using AI effectively lies with you: the human who then verifies the results!

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