I came across a copy of a new book by Anaya Multimedia, you know of the gray cover, dedicated to the world of Online Marketing agencies entitled, Digital Marketing Agency, Ccreation, management and growth, Alberto López, founder of the Wanatop agency, whom I personally met at one of the last e-show congresses, writes very interesting things on LinkedIn, I would follow him on this network if I were you.

The book is written in clear and concise language, accompanied by drawings and illustrations, which will give you an insight into the day-to-day work, concerns and goals of a digital marketing agency.

Index digital marketing agency

1. Why create an agency
2. Create an agency
3. Brand positioning
4. The market
5. Customer management
6. Promotion of the agency
7. How an agency works
8. Products to be delivered
9. Work processes
10. Personnel management in the agency
11. The new management of the agency
12. Grow the agency
13. The CEO and his problems
14. Tools
Appendix. Experiences from multiple agencies

From here I would like to highlight several points after reading this:

  • Creation of an agency. Dove provides us with a series of “tips” to start off on the right foot if we plan to start this type of project.
  • Customer management. In which he gives us advice for optimizing customer relations, emphasizing that customers rotate and are not forever.
  • agency promotion. In which Alberto presents various tools to increase visibility and attract new customers.
  • Operation of a digital agency. In which the author provides a complete vision of how to operate efficiently, also giving the possibility of implementing agile operating systems or adopting methodologies such as Scrum and Lean.
  • People management. One of the most important chapters, which deals with hiring, claims, retention of talent, with interesting figures such as “ghost quotas”.
  • Agency growth and profitability. In which the best methods for profitable growth of the company are described, avoiding growths in which personnel costs skyrocket with the entry of new customers.
  • Tools. In which various software are described to make work easier and more efficient, in an online marketing agency.
  • Testimonials. In the final part of the book, several founders of digital agencies give us a series of recommendations and experiences that they have lived during their working careers.

The book is recommended for founders of agencies, CEOs of online marketing agencies, people who want to set up their own digital agency, workers of these types of companies, clients who deal with agencies to get their results, and anyone with an interest in this sector. I’ll leave you the Amazon link in case you’re interested.

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