Back to School with Metricool: Analyze, Plan and Schedule

Back to School with Metricool: Analyze, Plan and Schedule

Wednesday 30 August at 🇦🇷 07:00 h. | 🇪🇸 12:00pm

Wednesday 30 August at 🇦🇷 07:00 h. | 🇪🇸 12:00pm – REGISTRATION AVAILABLE

With the holidays coming to an end, September becomes the perfect month to recharge your batteries and refresh your social media skills to get off to a good start.

We invite you to our FREE MASTERCLASS: Back to School with Metricool.

We offer you all the Social Media resources that you should carry in your backpack every day:

⭐ Calendar 2023 – all important dates until the end of the year

⭐Proposal and budget template: to get the YES from your potential clients

⭐ Latest news: the formula to stay up to date on Digital Marketing news

⭐Community Managers best kept secret: Metricool auto-lists with AI.

⭐Resources for your daily life like social media:

✔️Social media size guide

✔️Stories template for Canva

✔️CSV template for content schedule

📌 Secure your FREE place in this Masterclass and forget your uniform, you don’t need it. 📌

Back to School deals with:

📍 Leo Larrea Velasco

Social Media Strategist at Metricool

If you can’t participate live, sign up and you’ll receive the link with the registration.

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