Advertising on Spotify

Advertising on Spotify

In the project I’m currently working on, we advertise on the most popular music streaming platform, Spotify. In this article you will be able to see how to promote yourself on this network, the advantages you have and how brands take advantage of this platform to reach their target audience in a unique and effective way.

Spotify advertising

How to advertise on Spotify

Through ads on Spotify you will be able to promote products, services or brands, through ads that are played during the music listening experience on the platform. These ads can appear on your app or website in the form of audio, commercials, or visual ads. Spotify has an audience of 500 million active users in the first quarter of this year (data from the company itself), so it’s an excellent showcase for improving one’s visibility. Let’s see how the platform works, Adstudiowhere ads are managed.

Types of Ads on Spotify

  • audio announcements. Audio ads on Spotify are a great way to reach listeners as they listen to their favorite music. These ads play before a song or podcast and can last up to 30 seconds.
  • video ads. These ads appear on the screen as users listen to music and can last up to 30 seconds, YouTube-style.
  • view ads. Display ads on Spotify are presented as static images. This ad format can be used to display your logo, product images, or any other relevant visual to promote any brand. These ads appear on the Spotify interface.

How to create an advertising campaign on Spotify

First of all we will see 3 options that we have to select in Adstudio, what are you going to advertise?

  • A brand, product or organization.
  • An artist’s music on Spotify.
  • A concert or merchandising of the artist.

possibility spotify advertising

Once you’ve selected the option, let’s proceed to fill in the ad group information. Here we will have to complete:

  • First name.
  • Ad category.
  • Public. Location or area of ​​your target audience.
  • Age. Selectable from 14 to +65 years.
  • Type. Male or female.
  • interests and behaviors. This is perhaps the most important area you will need to work on, it works similar to Facebook Ads segmentation.
    • Interests. Perhaps the most important point, and the one I would pay attention to, even before realizing the different creatives. Here you can select: Love & Dating, Science & Medicine, Cooking, Comedy, Parenting, Culture & Society, Sports & Recreation, Commuting, Teaching, Listening in the Car, Studying or Concentrating, Partying, Fitness, History, Books, Arts & Crafts , business, news, podcast, running, health and lifestyle, theatre, technology, television and film, travel or video gaming.
    • Music genres. With these possibilities: alternative, spoken audio, soundtracks, blues, classical, country, christian, edm, easy listening, electronic, folk, funk, hip hop, house, jazz, latin, metal, new age, pop, punk, r&b , reggae, rock, indie rock, traditional or festive
    • Contextual lists. Where will you listen to them at specific times such as: dinner, concentration, study, relaxation, travel, cooking, exercise, party, vacation or video games.

interest in Spotify advertising

  • Tongue.
  • platforms. Here we have the option to segment by: everyone, iOS, Android or computer.
  • Format and location. Audio, Horizontal Video or Vertical Video.
  • at your place. Beginning and end.
  • Average daily budget. It cannot be less than €15, it is also customizable.
  • Total budget. You can also select this campaign budget option, the minimum is €250.
  • Delivery goal. Here you can select by: impressions, reach or clicks.
  • Frequency limitation.
  • Bid limit. By CPM.
  • A series of recommendations on bid limit, budget usage and estimated results will appear in the right-hand area as we complete all the options.

spotify delivery

From here we’ll create a new ad, which you can complete the details of in the Adstudio panel:

  • First name.
  • Advertiser’s name.
  • Slogan.
  • Advertisement language.
  • Call to action.
  • Destination URLs.
  • Image and logo.
  • Audio.

Spotify announcement details

Tips for advertising campaigns on Spotify

  • research the audience. Before launching a campaign using this means, it is advisable to research and understand your audience, identifying their musical tastes, interests and behaviour. This study will be important later to create relevant ads and be successful in this network.
  • calls to action. It is advisable to make clear calls to action, such as going on the Internet, making a phone call, etc. This will increase the likelihood that listeners will engage with the ad.
  • Creativity. You have to try to stand out with eye-catching ads, so it’s important to focus on certain aspects, such as humor, music, etc.

Advertising metrics on Spotify

In the Adstudio panel, you will be able to find the following metrics:

At the campaign level

  • State.
  • Problems.
  • Impressions on Spotify.
  • Scope.
  • Frequency.
  • Click.
  • Click through rate (CTR).
  • Listen completely to the announcement.
  • Frequency of complete hearing of the ad.

At the ad group level

  • Bid limit.
  • Impressions.
  • Scope.
  • Frequency.
  • Completion rate.
  • Click.
  • CTR.

Ad level

  • Impressions on Spotify.
  • Click.
  • Click rate.
  • Budget spent.
  • Ad full listen rate.

public spotify

From what I’ve seen, it’s an interesting medium for branding and can be interesting for some businesses as well, especially local ones. A couple of things to improve from Spotify, are the total metrics per campaign, it doesn’t show them and it’s something that is easily seen on other platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, and it doesn’t have the possibility to measure from its panel either, the conversions.

However, it can be an interesting platform that reaches a heterogeneous and music-loving audience, which is why it is worth considering it for your online advertising campaigns.

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