5 ways to identify user questions

5 ways to identify user questions

When setting up a content strategy, it is essential to understand the most frequently asked questions from users. Also, thanks to voice search developmentusers query search engines even more directly.
These queries not only reflect the concerns of your audience but also provide valuable opportunities to create relevant and targeted content.

1. Analyze the SERPs: Focus on the “more questions” section.

One of the most fertile sources for identifying popular questions is Google’s Related Questions. Start by entering a query related to your domain into the search bar.
At the top of the SERP, under “More Questions,” Google auto-bids you a list of suggestions inspired by frequently asked questions from users. This section is therefore a goldmine for finding the most common questions.

Tools like Reply to the audience, People also ask OR Also asked it will allow you to have an exhaustive and structured vision of the various questions relating to your request. Leverage these tools to get graphical representations in the form of rosettes or silos.
Don’t hesitate to ask too AI tools like Google Bard or ChatGPT which will show you many unsuspected questions from internet users.

2. Leverage SEO tools

For even more specific results, use partially free tools like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, or Semrush. These SEO tools aren’t just for finding popular keywords! They mine large amounts of data and offer you detailed lists of questions related to your original query.

SEO tools tell you the monthly search volume for each related question. Therefore it is only necessary prioritize focusing on questions that drive significant search volume.

3. Explore online forums and communities

Forums and online communities specific to your niche are another treasure trove of information for uncovering user questions. Platforms like Quora, Reddit, and Stack Overflow are filled with threads where people ask questions and get answers from peers and experts. By exploring these threads, you can identify the topics that raise the most questions.

Take note of the exact wording of the questions! they will give you valuable clues about the linguistic elements of your targets. These specific terms can then be used to optimize your content.

4. Survey on social networks

Social networks are not only a way to share content, they also contain a large amount of information to identify the most frequently asked questions from users. Social media discussions, comments on posts and groups related to your niche can reveal the issues and questions your audience is facing.

Use social media monitoring tools like “Hootsuite” or “Brandwatch” to track relevant conversations in your field. Identify the questions driving the most engagement.

5. Analyze the comments

Comments left on your blog posts, guest articles, and videos also provide first-hand insight into user questions and concerns.

Users often post their questions, problems and opinions here.

This information can help you personalize your content better meet the specific needs of your audience. Don’t forget to explore the comments on your competitors’ posts as well. In fact, they can help you better perceive their shortcomings and create more in-depth and informative articles.

Why include user questions in your content?

Also, by placing these questions in your captions, you give the user the opportunity to more easily navigate the content. The Internet user will therefore be able to more easily identify the location of the information initially sought.

Judicious integration of user questions into your SEO content has significant benefits. These questions provide valuable insight into users’ needs, concerns, and intentions. Then you can create more relevant and engaging content. By incorporating these questions, you can offer targeted answers, demonstrate your expertise and strengthen the credibility of your site.

Also, by placing these questions in your captions, you give the user the opportunity to more easily navigate the content. The Internet user will therefore be able to more easily identify the location of the information initially sought.

In addition, by directly answering users’ questions, you increase your chances of appearing in zero position as well as in the “More Questions” section, which increase the visibility of your content.

Finally, the exploitation of popular questions it also promotes the creation of long-tail content, which is aimed at specific and less competitive expressions. This will improve your presence in the SERPs e generate highly qualified traffic.

In a future article, we’ll detail our method for recycling these questions into your FAQ.

In the meantime, check out our latest SEO articles below!

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