3 business strategies enhanced with Growth Marketing to sell more

3 business strategies enhanced with Growth Marketing to sell more

Companies that stop growing run the risk of disappearing. But this doesn’t have to be the case for you. With the business strategies enhanced by Growth Marketing that we share with you in this article, you will revolutionize your sales in record time.

Yes! They are designed to accelerate the growth of your business and therefore take your revenue to the next level.

These are the same strategies carried out by the CEO of Convert multiple groups, Vilma Núñez, to improve its solutions and maximize the benefits of its activities and those of its customers.

These business strategies have been validated. They really work. They are not a euphemism.

Therefore, you can leverage them to boost the growth of your businesses at the speed of a Tesla, thanks to the advantages of Growth Marketing.

What is growth marketing?

If you read us regularly, you should be familiar with these last two words. But in reality they are much more than that.

Growth Marketing is a marketing approach that favors personalization, experimentation and real-time data analysis, in order to make 100% results-oriented decisions.

We don’t stop educating and helping thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners leverage their sales with Growth Marketing strategies and tactics.

And this should give you an idea of ​​its effectiveness and competitiveness in the world of marketing, business, entrepreneurship and sales.

Growth marketing is the perfect complement to digital marketing and, when enhanced with artificial intelligence tools, generates conversions that can blow your mind.

Here you can see how a digital marketing sales funnel differs from one focused on growth marketing:

growth marketing

Beyond the purchase

While digital marketing fundamentally focuses on attracting new customers, growth marketing prioritizes the entire conversion process and this is where its magnificence lies.

Do you know why? A customer’s purchasing process does not end when they make a purchase.

As a result, if you forget about your customers after they complete the desired conversion, you will be forced to attract new customers again and again.

And this implies not only a large investment of time, but also of money. Make it clear: To drive growth in your business, it’s essential that your existing customers generate perpetual purchases.

And to achieve this goal it is necessary to rely on good practices, tactics and business strategies enhanced by Growth Marketing.

Business strategies enhanced with Growth Marketing

These three business strategies improved with Growth Marketing could mark a before and after in your company or business:

1. Umbrella brands

Creating brands related to your umbrella brand is extremely beneficial to the growth of your physical or digital businesses.

Do you know why? Our CEO, Vilma Núñez, is very clear about this: “This creates a great optical illusion. I define it as the art of impressing without lying.”

This is a real and successful example:

business strategies

“I have my own personal brand, but I also have commercial brands and portfolio brands. We put a name and surname on everything. In fact, we create a logo, an image and a brand for the best products.”

2. The MIE method

Vilma always speaks from experience and not from trends and this is what she has learned in more than a decade creating successful and profitable business and marketing solutions and strategies:

“Every brand must be massive, that is, it must educate for free. Even luxury brands put on million-dollar fashion shows to show us new trends.”

business strategies

“Even luxury stores offer you free consultations; “Everyone educates and helps for free.”

Vilma has verified that no brand limits itself to selling products at affordable prices. “Even luxury brands, like Prada, have inclusive solutions.”

It also has this clear as day: “There are people who will never buy your most expensive solution unless you first let them try something cheaper or free.”

Having inclusive solutions in your portfolio is not a bad thing. In fact, its effect is highly positive.

“I spend all year expanding my customer database with free and inclusive solutions, because this helps me sell more unique solutions.”

3. Community cash flow

This is one of the most effective business strategies based on Growth Marketing that exist.

Vilma explains why: “It’s not about seeking transactions, but about building relationships with your audience. “We want loyal customers because they are our best brand ambassadors.”

business strategies

This hybrid business and marketing strategy allows you to achieve perpetual sales, “building communities and reaping profits”.

Vilma masterfully defines this strategy: “This is an income stream that comes from a strong, engaged community. This connection fosters loyalty that leads to sustainable income and growth opportunities.”

There’s no denying it: You need to build communities to increase your business’ cash flow.

In general terms, this strategy is very effective because it allows you to sell many solutions, either your own or from a third party, such as an affiliate or partner, to the same customer.

business strategies

Do you need to optimize your business strategies?

If you need to optimize your business strategies with Growth Marketing, to increase growth and sales, we have a special invitation for you.

We want to introduce you to a double certification that will revolutionize the marketing of your business like never before.

This is dual certification with university approval Digital Marketing & Growth Marketing + Artificial Intelligence applied to Growth Marketing From Convert more.

We invite you to unlock your potential in the world of marketing and immerse yourself in these two fundamental disciplines to grow, make an impact and sell more.

Would you like to develop a 360° perspective of the concepts, tools, strategies and methodologies that are reshaping the AI ​​marketing landscape?

This dual Certification is what you need to stop worrying about how to sell more or take advantage of new opportunities for growth and progress on a professional, business or entrepreneurial level.

Get certified, completely online, with constant updates and live support, with two certifications for the price of one, to drive your career and business towards constant growth.

And if that’s not enough, you will receive university approval from the United States, specifically from the American College of Business.

Revolutionize your activities with this double Certification

THE Certification in digital marketing and growth marketing will teach you the fourteen (14) essential areas of a comprehensive marketing strategy that you can master and apply once and for all to grow any business, in any industry.

While the Certification in Artificial Intelligence applied to Growth Marketing will explain how to use this technology in each of these areas.

If you have decided to make your latest investment in marketing you will have access to:

You will be an unstoppable Growth Marketer and you will no longer have to worry about how to sell more, because you will know exactly how to leverage the sales and growth of your businesses!

Is this double certification for you?

Absolutely! If you want to revolutionize the marketing of your business with the help of artificial intelligence, to make it grow in record time, this double certification will be the best investment of your life.

This is also right for you if you have one of these profiles:

If you think the time has come to raise the level of your marketing and sales strategies, don’t hesitate to click on the banner we share below to invest in your future and that of your businesses:

There are only two days left until registration closes for this double certification Digital Marketing & Growth Marketing + Artificial Intelligence applied to Growth Marketing.

Don’t stand out. Your company’s success may be just one decision away. Are you willing to take it? We hope to see you inside!

Continue reading: How to sell more with Growth Marketing strategies and tactics

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