#100 – Nutripure's acquisition strategy (Facebook, Google Ads, Influence, etc.) will double every year with Florent Carrio, co-founder @Nutripure (2/2)

#100 – Nutripure’s acquisition strategy (Facebook, Google Ads, Influence, etc.) will double every year with Florent Carrio, co-founder @Nutripure (2/2)

Welcome to Rendez-vous Marketing, the podcast whose mission is to help you develop online customer acquisition.

I invite digital marketers, entrepreneurs or CMOs to decipher with them the digital marketing strategies that they have used for their business and that have worked well, be it Facebook ads, content creation, SEO, video and many other things

👉 Listen to the episode also on Apple Podcasts // Spotify // Google Podcasts

Today I am very happy to have you back for the second part of my podcast episode with Florent Carrio, the co-founder of Nutripure, a nutritional supplement brand that stands for quality.

That is to say supplements without GMOs, without harmful additives, gluten-free and based only on ingredients of natural plant origin, all manufactured in France.

In the first part of this episode, you discovered the story of Nutripure, a brand founded by 2 brothers: a five-time karate world champion (Christophe Carrio) and an experienced engineer (Florent Carrio).

In 5 years, they have made Nutripure a reference brand in France in the very competitive food supplements market with already more than 100,000 loyal customers.

How did they do it?

First, they were helped by Christophe’s strong and engaged community. We talked about this in the first part of the episode.

So, they relied from the beginning on a multi-leveraged acquisition strategy, a strategy that mixes paid acquisition channels (Facebook and Google ads), influence and organic (SEO)

This is what Florent explained to me:

  • Their debut on Facebook ads as an acquisition channel
    • Budget investment
    • Strategy implemented
  • Their debut on Google Ads as an acquisition channel
  • The Nutripure blog which was a key element in their initial development.
  • Influence: over the years they have acquired an important asset for a brand > a network of influencer-ambassadors (amateur sportsmen, high-level athletes, etc.). Florent explained to me how they managed to build such a network in such a short time!
  • How Nutripure slowly but surely broke away from the personal branding of Christophe, who for a long time was the standard bearer of the brand

We then talked about loyalty because Nutripure still has 100,000 loyal customers. Florent had some secrets to share with me about this:

  • Their sponsorship system
  • Their rewards system (loyalty points)
  • Their email marketing strategy: what email marketing flows do you recommend to optimize retention? How many newsletters should you send per week?

Here is the program for this second part of the episode with Florent which I will let you listen to now.

👉 Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts // Spotify // Google Podcasts

Notes and references

Find Florent Carrio on:

Resources mentioned in the episode:

It’s not over, I also need you…

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I also have to tell you about…

2) The Newsletter dedicated to entrepreneurs and marketers (over 20,000 subscribers)

A weekly newsletter where I share exclusive content on digital marketing, Facebook advertising, social media and copywriting…

To be part of the club, sign up for free on my website daniloduchesnes.com/blog.

By subscribing to the Newsletter, you will also have access to my complete library of 15 PDF resources on digital marketing (Facebook and Instagram advertising, copywriting, social media, etc.) updated every year.

And if you don’t like reading, take my free 5-day challenge to transform your Facebook advertising! There are over 2 hours of videos showing you exactly how to set up your campaigns to continuously sell.

3) Accelerate your business growth on Facebook

Are you a startup or SME doing online business and need help designing and managing your Facebook and Instagram advertising campaigns from A to Z, while improving your return on investment?

My agency, DHS Digital, can help you.

I created it to meet this need.

We work with French and Belgian brands such as Arthur, Bobbies, Inouïtoosh, Meryl Suissa, WeDressFair, Bloon Paris, Wivaldy, Meilleurs Biens with the sole aim of accelerating their growth.

Visit the DHS Digital website to book a free 30 minute strategy session with me. This will be an opportunity to tell me about your project and your current challenges with Facebook advertising.

If, after this phone conversion, I think I can help you, I will offer you a free analysis of your Facebook advertising campaigns.

This is a 10-page document that summarizes the status of your Facebook ads based on 32 criteria plus personalized recommendations to improve your results. And it’s without obligation.

Click this link to book a free 30 minute strategy discovery call with me.

See you soon for the next episode of Rendez-vous Marketing 😉

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