10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Various extensions. Chrome It can allow different trades to improve their productivity, avoid certain time-consuming tasks and save precious time on a daily basis by offering various quick and easy-to-use features. Discover in this article a selection of ten free Chrome extensions intended to help web developers. Extension

1. Web developer Extension

10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

The Web Developer extension adds a browser toolbar and a menu with various tools dedicated to web developers. In particular, they allow you to manipulate the elements of a page, validate code or display design elements such as grids or locations. The extension thus offers quick access to functions that facilitate website debugging, design and optimization.
Download the web developer extension

2. Wappalizer

10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Wappalyzer helps identify different technologies used on websites including CMS, development frameworks, analytics tools, and many others. This extension is useful for developers who want to understand what technologies a website is built with. It can also help with market and competitor analysis, or simply satisfy curiosity about how a website is designed.
Discover the Wappalyzer extension

3. Lighthouse

10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Lighthouse, an open source automated tool developed by Google, provides performance, accessibility, and SEO audits to improve the quality of sites and web pages. Developers can use this extension to get detailed recommendations on how to improve their web structure, but also to offer a better user experience or achieve better rankings in search engine results.
Download the Lighthouse extension

4. Redux development tools

Redux DevTools is an extension that allows you to inspect every state and every action in applications using Redux, an open source JavaScript state management library for web applications. The tool offers features like time travel debugging, that is, the possibility of returning to previous states of the application. For developers using Redux, this extension helps understand data flow and identify errors.
Discover the Redux DevTools extension

5. JSON View

JSONView allows you to view and format JSON content directly in your browser. And this, in a readable way, instead of presenting it as a block of text. This extension can benefit web developers who regularly work with APIs or JSON configurations, particularly because it makes it easier to read and debug JSON data.
Download the JSONView extension

6. User-agent switch

With User-Agent Switcher, developers will be able to simulate navigation from different browsers, devices or devices. This extension is particularly useful for testing the compatibility of websites on different browsers or devices without having to physically use them. This greatly facilitates responsive development and allows for a significant gain in productivity.
Discover the User-Agent Switcher extension

7. SEO Earthquake

SEOquake is a free plugin that provides many instant SEO metrics on any web page. It also offers other analysis tools such as page audit, domain comparison, and backlink analysis. SEOquake allows web developers to optimize their websites for search engines and identify and fix potential SEO issues.
Download the SEOquake extension

8. Check my links

With Check My Links, it is possible to quickly browse a web page and check each link, to identify which ones may be broken. The extension thus makes it possible to guarantee the correct functioning of all the links present on a page, which, ultimately, provides the opportunity to improve the user experience as well as natural references.
Discover the Check My Links extension

9. Talend API Tester

With Talend API Tester, web developers can create and execute HTTP/S requests, view responses, and test the performance of REST, SOAP, or HTTP APIs. Very practical for professionals working with APIs, this extension simplifies testing and debugging requests and makes it easier to validate functionality and resolve problems.
Download the Talend API Tester extension

10. Clear cache

10 Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

The Clear Cache extension allows web developers to clear their cache and other browsing data with a single click, without having to navigate through Chrome menus. Provides the ability to select the types of data to be deleted, improving the efficiency of the development process by ensuring that changes are visible immediately. It is a useful tool for testing changes, debugging and optimizing website performance, making the development workflow smoother and faster.

🔗 Relevant Links:

Discover the Clear Cache extension

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