How to upload your podcast to Spotify

▷ How to upload your podcast to Spotify

Want to upload your podcast to Spotify? I explain how to do it.

how to upload spotify podcasts

How to upload your podcast to Spotifyclick to tweet

Upload your podcast to Spotify Now it’s finally super easy from but be careful not to re-upload in case your podcast is already on Spotify.

What’s always interesting is verify your podcast on Spotify so he knows it’s yours through email to have access to the stats.

And remember that if you podcast is about music they will neither raise nor lower it.

🆙 Why upload your podcast to Spotify

Practically to be available on one of the hottest audio platforms of the moment.

Not everyone knows what a podcast is, and being on Spotify will give you that more visibility and therefore more listeners.

Spotify already has 159 million active users, of which almost 40% (71 million paying) are premium

🎙 Upload your podcast directly from Spotify

This is the first and only best option if you podcast isn’t on Spotify yet.

Note that if you created your podcast with one of these platforms you shouldn’t do anything since they load by themselves or you simply have to follow the steps indicated by each platform: Anchor (purchased from Spotify that allows you to earn money with Spotify), Audioboom, Backtracks, Blubrry, Buzzsprout, Castos, Fireside, LibSyn, Omny, Pinecast, Pippa , PodBean, Podcaster.DE, Podiant, Podigee, Podomatic, Simplecast, Spreaker, Transistor, Whooshkaa.

These hostings allow uploading your podcast to Spotify with just a few clicks.

If that’s not the case, you must Directly upload your podcast’s RSS or Feed from

Upload new Spotify Podcast RSS

They seem to be working on integrating the file statistics in the new Spotify tool if you already have your podcast on Spotify but can currently only see data from your original hosting provider.

Add a link to the podcast in question.

Here you can see it in the FAQ area.

Remember that to make semi-professional cases you can order them for $5 from Fiverr.

⏳How long does it take?

Once you have filled out the form, you must wait about 5 days to check if your podcast registration has been approved.

In 99% of cases they approve of it if your podcast already has multiple episodes.

☝🏼 Another method to upload your podcast to Spotify

It’s about using a podcast hosting that allows it upload your podcast to Spotify with a few clicks from the platform and then just wait 5 days.

The catch is that you need to have your podcast hosted on Libsyn, Spreaker, Podbean or Audioboom (there are more and more platforms that allow this).

I have my podcasts hosted on ivoox but I also pay the monthly fee of €20 Spreakers which allows me to save all episodes and not just the last 20 allowed by the free version.

For add your podcast to Spotify you need to click on the new option that they offer on their panel and as I told you, you will have it on Spotify within 24/48 hours.

In the case of Spreaker it is this:

subir podcast spotify speaker

❌ How to delete a podcast from Spotify

Sometimes it is podcast duplication Or we may have an error and not all episodes are uploading due to your podcast hosting plan or any other reason.

This is when we have to delete or remove a podcast from Spotify.

To do that we have two options.

If we have uploaded our podcast with the first method where we upload our podcast by filling the form only we will have to access our control panel and delete the podcast in question.

If the podcast was uploaded through a third-party application, such as through podcast hosting, you’ll need to do this contact Spotify support indicating the url of the podcast you want to delete and the reasons.

To contact Spotify support you can do it through your profile Chirpingfrom Facebook, their support page or you can also ask in the community (in English).

📋 Conclusions

Put your podcast on Spotify it is finally very accessible.

Remember to upload your podcast in advance to platforms such as Tunein, Spreaker, Stitcher, ivoox, Google Podcasts (This is only indexed by Google) and Apple Podcasts, as well as some podcasting directories.

and if you want to grow your podcast You have my tricks in my podcasting course

Opinion I want to know your opinion!

Do you have any doubts? Have you recorded your podcast on Spotify? Have you been approved?

Comment below!

If you think this article could help someone, share it.

[Votos: 242, Promedio: 3.9]


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