🥇 Types of links in SEO

▷ 🥇 Types of links in SEO

Depending on the position and quality of the links, there are several types of links in SEO for Google

Types of SEO Links

Not much is said about that types of links the backlinks that exist for Google in SEO.

In this post I will explain what types of links are there in seo to try to get the maximum benefit within your link building strategy.

In episode 16 of my SEO for Bloggers podcast, I talked to you about the types of links in SEO.

Table of Contents

Types of SEO Links

left ignored

When a Link is irrelevant this is not taken into account by Google.

Not being very relevant means it’s on a page of low quality or even if it is not indexed in Google.

I’ll give you some examples:

  • If you link to a website of a website you just created
  • If you place a link in a Page not indexed (e.g. on the privacy policy page it should read something like noindex as I explain in the Yoast SEO tutorial)

negative connections

Come on negative connections in SEO for Google, they are the dangerous ones and are also known as junk links, that is, poor quality links.

If unnatural techniques (without common sense) are used to then get links Google can penalize us and remove us from search engine results.

Some examples:

  • Receive Links to pages with a different topic. For example on adult content sites or casinos if our site does not address these issues. Even adding these types of links to your site can have negative repercussions.
  • Links on penalized sites
  • For example links hidden by CSS. For example adding a link but changing the color to white when the background is also white.
  • Links in a link farm, that is, on pages dedicated solely to adding links that add no value.
  • When links are bought in bulk. That said, never buy links if you don’t do it right.

We are able to do this with most SEO tools or suites such as Xovi, Semrush, Ahrefs or Openlinkprofiler Check and analyze link types What we have.

positive connections

Those are them we must get.

Here the maxim of less is more comes into play, that is, It’s better to get a link on a site with a lot of authority as elpais.com than a hundred links on newly created sites with very low authority.

Remember that for Look at the authority each domain and site has You can use the MOZbar extension for Google Chrome.

In this lesson of the SEO course, I explain step by step how to follow a link building strategy using videos.

Some examples:

  • Links in blog articles related to us and with a certain authority (if it corresponds to ours, better)
  • Guest articles (as long as they are covered of course)
  • Links in newspapers, NGO websites, universities… (with authority)

Even the unrelated mentions From my point of view, they will be taken into account. For example, when my first and last name appear in an SEO article in a reputable newspaper.

Getting a dofollow or nofollow link is key to qualifying the quality of the links as it determines if passes authority or not.

Come on surrounds nofollow must be specially marked by adding the link code rel=”nofollow” and tells Google not to pass on authority.

According to Google, this type of link should be created if it is a Sponsored Link B. from an advertiser, although the type of links with attribute has recently been added “Sponsored” that it fulfills this function better and that it does not bypass authority.

The truth is that I give Google too much information.

The doesn’t mean they don’t affect SEO as in some cases which I will comment on later.

Next to The natural thing is to have nofollow and dofollow links and here Google takes into account the websites and blogs of the same subjects draw pattern and see if there are things that are better or worse out of the ordinary.

We also have the links with attribute UGC (User-Generated Content), user-generated content, such as B. in forums or in comments, and do not pass on any authority.

Come on enlaces dofollow for their part are those who They pass on authority. They are the most important and therefore the most sought after.

By default, all links pass authority unless otherwise specified by adding attributes.

In addition, one must take into account the position of these links (top, middle, bottom, in the menu, in a column…).

For Check if a link is nofollow or dofollow I prepared a short video:

Sometimes it is necessary to clean up links, e.g. B. Have links to websites that we are not interested in because they will be penalized we cannot have them removedcan we ask them to set them as nofollow so at least they don’t give us authority and google doesn’t take them into account.

This is where Negative SEO and Disavow come in.

The number of visits

If a lot of people visit us through some links they placed on another website, those links are more valuable to Google than links that don’t deliver visits.

But on the other hand, given the handover of authority, it would be so enough to get a link from a domain so that Google gives us the authority that corresponds to us.

Getting one link or a hundred affects the authority step in the same way, so getting one link is enough to increase our authority

Yes, it can affect SEO in general For example, if we work with different keywords. Even if we get more or less traffic from those links.

This is based on the Pagerank formula that takes the number of links that it is on the page where we have the link, in the place etc.

so what it impacts SEO what those visits do. And here we enter the bounce rates, the time spent on the page, the number of page views, whether those visits come back or not, etc.

Internal and external links

To all this we must distinguish internal links and external links.

The external links are the ones we enter other websites.

Internal links are the ones that are reached within the same domain.

And I say within the same domain because a subdomnio (e.g. english.languages.com) is considered a separate domain by Google.

Therefore, to improve the SEO of a domain, it is recommended to use the directories from the form aprenderidiomas.com/ingles or aprenderidiomas.com/aleman

Although this is a different topic.

Back to the internal and external links, these are the two choices we must have work our link strategy.

Internal links are controlled by usso we need to add links to related articles within our own domain if we have them and if they make sense.

The point is not to add 10 links in the same post to the same article with different keywords (anchor text), but to add them when it makes sense and I recommend not linking to more than one post in the same article.

If you look at this post, I added links to other related posts when I was writing something that did that Link will add value in this regard.

Here again the already seen criteria of importance, which affect the position.

A link in the top menu is much more relevant than a link in the footer.

Regarding internal links, Google also creates one authority passport structure.

The calling link juice Where Google creates a scheme that represents a delegation of authority between linked sites, so does internal links.

That is, if I have a link to an article on my homepage and it has multiple links to others, and those to others…

As Each side also has its own authoritypages are created with more or less authority depending on the number of links on each page.

Normal, to give you an idea, the home page has the “Domain Authority or DA” same as the “Page Authority or PA“.

For the rest of the internal pages, the DA will be maintained, but the PA will always be the same or smaller.

I want to know your opinion!

Do you already know the types of links? Do you take this into account when receiving links? Do you have any doubts?

Tell me in the comments!

If you think this article can help someone, please share.

[Votos: 31, Promedio: 4.7]


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